
This was a Human answering service for your mobile.
The messagePage product is no longer for sale - you cannot sign up or transfer to it

Your personal answering service
Some people just prefer talking to a person than leaving a recorded message. With messagePage, you can have all your missed calls answered personally. Any messages are then forwarded to you as a TXT that includes the name of the caller, their message and a call back number.

Getting a full TXT message lets you see what your caller wanted immediately. And if the callers reply number is in the TXT, you can call them back immediately – so there's no scrabbling for a pen and writing down numbers as you're listening to voiceMail.

Because its a personal answering service, when you sign up for messagePage, you get to tell us exactly how you want your calls to be answered.

What does messagePage cost?

There are two messagePage options:

  • Choose the Occasional plan if you don't expect to use messagePage very often
  • Choose the Frequent plan if you have more than one call a day going to voiceMail or if you'd like messagePage to screen all your calls


PlanMonthly feeMessages
Occasional$12.00$0.99 each

All costs exclude GST. messagePage is not available on Prepay mobiles.

Customer Impacting Events

Mobile & Wireless Broadband ›
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Low No Connection
Fixed Line (Fibre, DSL, HFC) Broadband & Landline ›
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Low No Connection
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