A lady, biking cobbled tropical streets, while roaming. A lady, biking cobbled tropical streets, while roaming.

Before you go.

Roaming with One NZ simply works when you land.
You can call, TXT, and use your data in over 100 roaming destinations.

To make sure you can use your mobile without worrying about costs, remember to download the My One NZ app.
You can track your usage while you're away, pay your bill, top up or buy more data.
To download the app, search My One NZ in the Google Play store for Android or in the App store for iOS.

Roaming costs while you’re overseas.
If you're on one of our current Endless Mobile Plans, then you should be able to use Daily Roaming, which is just like using your everyday plan but with a simple daily charge.
It’s available in over 100 destinations!

Are you on an older Pay Monthly plan? Visit the Data Angel Overseas page for your roaming rates.

Or if you’re on a Prepay plan, you can check out our Prepay roaming bundles.

Calls and TXTs not working?
2G and 3G networks are starting to shut down in some countries which may impact your ability to make a call or TXT while roaming overseas. If you can’t make a call or send a TXT while overseas, try manually changing the overseas network you’re connected to or you can use apps that use data to contact family and friends. You can check the cost of using data overseas on our roaming page.

If you are travelling to Australia, the US, Singapore or Taiwan, here are some important things about roaming with 3G.

Check your mobile phone.
Before you head overseas, make sure your mobile phone’s operating system is updated to the latest version and data roaming is turned on.
You can check out our mobile phone guides for more info.
The same applies to data devices like an iPad with Cellular.

Some older mobile phones may not work on certain mobile networks overseas, particularly as some of our roaming partners are shutting down their 3G networks. Check our VoLTE list to see if your phone supports VoLTE Roaming. If you are using an older phone and want to make sure this will work overseas please give us a call 777 from your mobile or 0800 800 021 from a landline. If you're a business customer, call 888 from your mobile before you go.

Wifi Calling overseas.

Using Wifi Calling overseas is easy, just connect to any available Wifi and turn on Wifi Calling to be able to call and TXT as if you are still in New Zealand. You don’t need to turn on Roaming to use Wifi Calling so you won’t be charged roaming rates however your minutes and TXTs used over Wifi Calling will come out of your mobile plan allowance.

For example if you’re on a Prepay or Pay Monthly plan and call a NZ number using Wifi Calling while roaming overseas, this will come out of your plan allowance. If you call a local number in the country you’re travelling in, you’ll be charged the standard cost of calling an international number, just like you would at home.

If you don’t have an active Prepay plan and still use Wifi Calling while overseas, you’ll be charged standard Prepay rates.

Please note: Calls will drop once you leave Wifi coverage and you will need to turn on Roaming to make a call.

By sea or air?
It's worth checking the maritime roaming costs if you're taking a cruise, or planning to use in-flight roaming on the plane, as they vary and are different from our standard roaming rates.

On arrival

We will send you a TXT when you land.
This confirms that you're now connected and are "roaming". The TXT message also includes helpful information and links about your roaming destination.

It's worth remembering that:

  • The local telco's name will appear on your phone instead of ours.
  • You may be charged for receiving calls.
  • You may be charged for checking voicemail.
  • TXTs are 160 characters, if your message is longer you will be sending 2 TXTs.
  • Check on the dialing methods (i.e. making local calls in your destination or calling home) For example, calling a New Zealand number would be +6421 xxx xxxx instead of the usual 021 xxx xxxx.
  • If you're using an iPad, you can't receive TXT alerts about data use, so be sure to check My One NZ regularly.
  • If you need us, you call simply call 777 from most countries, as normal.
  • You can always buy more calling minutes, more TXTs or data in My One NZ while you are overseas.

Top Up or pay while you're overseas:

Data use while roaming

'My One NZ' will help you to keep track of your data-use but if you do happen to run low, we’ve got you covered!

​For current Pay Monthly Endless plans, you can buy a 1GB or 5GB Data Boost via your My One NZ app. We’ll TXT you when you’ve used 80% of your max speed data allowance and again at 100%.

If you’re on an older Pay Monthly plan or are in a destination not covered by Daily Roaming, then we have Data Angel Overseas. As before, we’ll TXT you when you need to get more data and show you the options available and costs for your destination.

Using Prepay? Stay in control with one of our prepay roaming add-ons.

How much data will I use roaming?

15 minutes
30 minutes
One hour
Social Media
Video Streaming (YouTube)
Music Streaming
Skype (video chat)
Google Maps
Email (without attachments)
2MB per 40 emails

This information is a guide only.
Estimates are based on average device consumption using a 4G network.
Data usage will vary depending on a number of factors including but not limited to, device used, network used, device settings and applications on the device.
Some devices allow you to see how much mobile data you have used in the last month, including how much data different applications have used.

We’ve got your data needs covered, but if you’d like to limit your data usage while roaming, you could access local WiFi networks to avoid using mobile data, turning data roaming off on your device when it is not being used, avoid streaming movies and music, disable 5G/4G if your phone allows you to do so.

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