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SIM Swap

Do I need a new SIM card?

If you are switching your mobile number to One NZ from another network, you will need a new One NZ SIM card.
If you've just signed up with us, we will send you a SIM card with your new plan. If you are ready to, you can order a SIM online.
You may need to swap your current One NZ SIM card if you upgrade your plan, or if you change to a phone that uses a different-sized SIM card.

If your mobile number has been blocked, or you have a SIM that has not been active on the One NZ mobile network for more than 12 months, then a SIM swap is not the solution.

You can Contact us through one of our digital channels for further assistance: Use the My One NZ app, our chatbot Hana, or our website help.

Before you swap SIM cards.

Make sure that you back up your phone contacts, your TXT messages and any other data on your old SIM card to your phone's memory, otherwise you might lose them when you swap SIM cards.


To ensure you don't lose any of your contacts, check whether any contacts are saved to your current SIM card. If they are, you'll want to transfer these to the phone's memory.

You can find out how to do this by using our interactive Device guides.


Due to a recent spate of SIM swap fraud occurring globally, we have discontinued the ability to complete a SIM swap online or through our contact centers. You will now need to request a SIM Swap through your nearest One NZ retail store. Please ensure you bring a valid New Zealand driver’s license or passport. (ID needs to be current. Scanned copies and photos of ID will not be accepted). We apologize for any inconvenience.

Please note – there may be a $5 Charge for a Replacement SIM Card for certain scenarios.


Please note: Processing your new connection through our network is usually immediate, but if we're really busy, it may take up to 24 hours.

Got a question?

Check out the most common questions and answers about swapping your SIM card.
SIM swap FAQs

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