Overseas roaming
If you're on one of our eligible Pay Monthly plans you can use your plan minutes, TXTs, and data in over 100 destinations with a Daily Roaming charge. If you're traveling to other countries, or if you're on one of our Mobile Broadband or older plans, you can buy the data you need, as you need it with Data Angel Overseas. We'll send you a TXT when you've used 80% and 100% of your data, so you'll always know exactly what you're spending.
Data Angel is a registered trademark of One New Zealand.
Great value data bundles
$17 for 100MB, $35 for 250MB, $58 for 500MB
Free TXT to 747 A and size of bundle to buy (i.e. A100, A250 or A500)
Included countries:
Australia (4G)^
Christmas Island
^If you are travelling to Australia, here are some important things about your roaming services.
$17 for 40MB, $35 for 100MB, $58 for 200MB
Free TXT to 747 B and size of bundle to buy (i.e. B40, B100 or B200)
Aland Islands | Dominican Republic (4G) | Isle of Man (4G) | Northern Ireland (4G) | Spain (4G) |
Albania (4G) | Ecuador (4G) | Israel (4G) | Northern Mariana Islands | Sri Lanka (4G) |
Anguilla (4G) | Egypt | Italy (4G) | Norway (4G) | St Kitts and Nevis (4G) |
Antigua & Barbuda (4G) | El Salvador | Jamaica (4G) | Palestine (4G) | St Lucia (4G) |
Argentina (4G) | England (4G) | Japan (4G) | Panama (4G) | St Vincent and the Grenadines (4G) |
Aruba (4G) | Estonia (4G) | Jersey (4G) | Papua New Guinea (4G) | Svalbard |
Austria (4G) | Faroe Islands (4G) | Kenya (4G) | Paraguay (4G) | Swaziland |
Barbados (4G) | Fiji (4G) | Kiribati | Peru (4G) | Sweden (4G) |
Belgium (4G) | Finland (4G) | Laos | Philippines (4G) | Switzerland (4G) |
Bermuda (4G) | France (4G) | Latvia (4G) | Poland (4G) | Taiwan (4G)^ |
Brazil (4G) | Germany (4G) | Liechtenstein (4G) | Portugal (4G) | Tanzania (4G) |
British Virgin Islands (4G) | Ghana (4G) | Lithuania (4G) | Puerto Rico (4G) | Thailand (4G) |
Bulgaria (4G) | Greece (4G) | Luxembourg (4G) | Qatar (4G) | Tonga (4G) |
Cambodia (4G) | Grenada (4G) | Macau (4G) | Reunion (4G) | Turkey (4G) |
Canada (4G) | Guam (4G) | Macedonia (4G) | Romania (4G) | Turks and Caicos Islands (4G) |
Cayman Islands (4G) | Guatemala | Malaysia (4G) | Samoa (4G) | United Arab Emirates (4G) |
Chile (4G) | Guernsey (4G) | Malta (4G) | San Marino | Uruguay (4G) |
China (4G) | Haiti (4G) | Mexico (4G) | Saudi Arabia (4G) | US Virgin Islands (4G) |
Colombia (4G) | Hong Kong (4G) | Monaco (4G) | Scotland (4G) | USA including Hawaii and Alaska^ (4G) |
Costa Rica (4G) | Hungary (4G) | Mongolia (4G) | Serbia (4G) | Vanuatu (4G) |
Croatia (4G) | Iceland (4G) | Montenegro (4G) | Singapore (4G)^ | Vatican City State |
Cyprus (4G) | India (4G) | Montserrat (4G) | Slovakia (4G) | Venezuela |
Czech Republic (4G) | Indonesia (4G) | Nauru (4G) | Slovenia (4G) | Vietnam (4G) |
Denmark (4G) | Iran (4G) | Netherland Antilles (4G) | South Africa (4G) | Wales (4G) |
Dominica | Ireland (4G) | Netherlands (4G) | South Korea (4G) | Zanzibar |
^If you are travelling to the US, Singapore or Taiwan, here are some important things about your roaming services.
Due to technical issues the Zone 3 Data Bundle is currently not working
Afghanistan (4G) | Botswana (4G) | French Guiana | Kyrgyzstan (4G) | Namibia | St Barthelemy |
Algeria (4G) | Brunei (4G) | Gabon (4G) | Lebanon | Nepal (4G) | St Martin |
American Samoa | Burkina Faso | Gambia (4G) | Lesotho | New Caledonia | Suriname |
Andorra | Burundi | Georgia (4G) | Liberia | Nicaragua (4G) | Tahiti |
Angola | Cameroon (4G) | Gibraltar | Libya | Niger | Tajikistan (4G) |
Armenia (4G) | Cape Verde | Greenland | Madagascar | Nigeria | Togo |
Azerbaijan (4G) | Central African Republic | Guadeloupe | Malawi (4G) | Oman (4G) | Trinidad and Tobago |
Bahamas (4G) | Chad | Guinea | Maldives | Pakistan (4G) | Tunisia |
Bahrain (4G) | Congo, Democratic Republic of the | Guinea-Bissau | Mali | Russia (4G) | Turkmenistan (Voice and Txt only) |
Bangladesh (4G) | Congo, Republic of the | Guyana | Martinique | Rwanda | Uganda (4G) |
Belarus | Cook Islands/Rarotonga (4G) | Honduras (4G) | Mauritania | Sao Tome and Principe | Ukraine (4G) |
Belize | Cuba | Iraq | Mauritius (4G) | Senegal | Uzbekistan (4G) |
Benin | Djibouti | Ivory Coast (4G) | Micronesia | Seychelles | Wallis and Futuna (Voice and Txt only) |
Bhutan | East Timor | Jordan (4G) | Moldova (4G) | Sierra Leone | Yemen |
Bolivia (4G) | Equatorial Guinea | Kazakhstan (4G) | Morocco (4G) | Solomon Islands | Zambia |
Bonaire & Curacao | Falkland Islands | Kosovo (4G) | Mozambique | Somalia (Voice and Txt only) | Zimbabwe |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | French Polynesia | Kuwait (4G) | Myanmar (4G) | South Sudan |
How Data Angel Overseas works
Buy before you fly
When you go onto the web at your destination, you'll be re-directed to buy a data bundle or you can buy a bundle up to 30 days before you fly. Simply TXT the code for the data bundle you want to 747.
If you have an iPhone or Android smartphone, we recommend you download the My One NZ app before you go. This is the easiest way to manage your account, check roaming prices and buy more data while roaming and at home.
Or buy when you land
You'll get a TXT* telling you how to buy a Data Angel Overseas bundle. Or, open your web browser and your tablet will automatically take you to our website.
*TXTs are not available for iPads or iPad Mini.
Top up if you need to
You can purchase data bundles as and when you need them through My One NZ.
When you've used 80% of your data allowance, we'll let you know you're about to run out. When you hit 100%, we'll ask if you'd like to buy a new bundle.
If you've got a tablet and you've used up your bundle, you won't get TXTs but we'll re-direct your web browser to our mobi site so you can choose another one.
Important things to know
Only for Pay Monthly Customers.
- Only one bundle per zone at any one time.
- Bundles are only valid for countries in that zone.
- Maritime roaming is not covered by Data Angel Overseas.
- Your data roaming bundle will only start once you start using data. You have 30 days from purchase in which to start using data.
- Once your data bundle is activated, any data not used within 30 days will be lost.
- Casual data rates are no longer available.
- iPad users will not receive a welcome TXT or 80% and 100% notifications but your mobile web browser will re-direct you to the page to choose and buy your bundles.
- You cannot buy bundles via TXT if you are on iPad or Corporate APN.
- If you are using email and your data session stops - go to your mobile web browser to be re-directed to the page to buy another bundle.
- If you do not receive a welcome TXT or your browser does not re-direct check that you have roaming enabled on your device.
- Traveling to the US? Here are some important things to know.