1. Your details
These are the billing details we have on record for you. If they're out of date, please contact us to update them.
2. Account information and billing period
This is your unique customer number, which you'll need when paying your bill. You'll also use it to identify yourself if you call us.
Billing period is the time period for this bill. The first date is when your plan inclusions (e.g. data, minutes, TXTs etc renew for the month ahead.
3. Last month's summary
The amount you owed on your last bill and any payments we've received, or credits applied. If this bill wasn't paid in full, the remaining balance is shown on the "Balance carried forward" line and forms part of the "Payment for this invoice" amount shown (section 7).
4. This month’s summary (Personal customers only)
A list of all your services on this account and the price per service. The amount shown next to your plan includes the monthly plan price plus any additional extras (e.g., PXTs, roaming, Add-Ons, discounts) you have, including GST. You can click on each individual plan name to see the “Detailed charges” section for a detailed breakdown of your plan inclusions and additional extras.
This month’s summary (Business customers only)
“Plan charges” shows the total amount owing for all of the plans you have with us on this account. “Extras” shows any out-of-plan charges incurred during this billing cycle.
5. Companion plan
If you have one or more Companion plans on this account, they're listed under the parent mobile plan they're linked to.
6. Total charges for the month and Rounding
Your total spend this month on all services, including GST.
Rounding: If you sum your bill by service level this can result in a different total amount due. This difference, if any, will be presented as a rounded amount on your bill – so a small adjustment is made to ensure accuracy.
Visit one.nz/rounding for more information.
7. Payment amount and due date
The total amount owed this month and the date payment is due. This total includes this month’s charges, any outstanding amounts still owing from last month, and discounts applied.
8. Pay now button
If you don't have an automatic payment set up, you can click on the "Pay now" button to make a one-off card payment online. Your account number and amount owing will pre-populate on the payment page.
You'll only ever see this "Pay now" link in the email sent from onenzbill@billing.one.nz with your monthly bill attached, and on the bill itself. It will always direct you to the online payment page with the above information pre-populated.

Personal customers

Business customers
9. Direct debit or automatic Credit Card payment set up?
This is the date your scheduled payment is due, if you have a Direct Debit or automatic Credit Card payment set up.

10. Detailed charges
A detailed breakdown of each service you have, including your monthly plan price and any “Extras” not included in your plan.
11. Interest free payments
See how many payments you've made so far and the amount still owing on each device or accessory you have purchased interest-free.
Note: If you have an Interest Free payment linked to your mobile plan, it will show in your mobile plan charges section.

12. Extras
Services which are not included in your plan e.g. PXTs/MMS, Donations, Daily roaming charges, International calling.
Note: If you have an Interest Free payment linked to your mobile plan, it will show in your mobile plan charges section.
13. Rounding
If you sum your bill by service level this can result in a different total amount due. This difference, if any, will be presented as a rounded amount on your bill – so a small adjustment is made to ensure accuracy.
Visit one.nz/rounding for more information.

14. Part-month charges
Part-month charges relate to services used for only part of the billing period. If you joined us part-way through the month, you'll see a part-month charge for the date you joined us until the end of this billing period (plus the usual full month in advance).
Or, if you've been with us for a while and have changed plans, you'll see a part-month charge for your new plan for the period covering the date you switched until the end of the billing period (plus the usual full month in advance). You'll also see a part-month credit relating to your old plan because you had paid the full month in advance on your last bill but only used it for part of the month.
You can find more information on part-month charges at one.nz/partmonthcharge

15. Connection level summary
This page is for business customers and shows a summary of charges for each service you have on this account.