Bills and payments

All you need to know about bills, bill types and payment.

Personal Help Bills and payments

What can we help you with today?

If you need any help paying or understanding your bill, it's all covered here.
There are three different account types, and you can see which your is - on your bill.
A carefree girl lying down, smiling at her phone screen.
A carefree girl lying down, smiling at her phone screen.
A carefree girl lying down, smiling at her phone screen.

How to read your bill

You can see your account type on the first page of your bill.
Check your bill to see which One NZ account type you have.

There are three different account types, yours will be "One NZ A", "One NZ B", or "One NZ C".

Whichever account type you have, you can learn how to view your bill in-App or online.

If your account type is One NZ A, you can:

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