Retired - Ultra Fast Broadband Cable 150GB

Ultra Fast Broadband - Cable 150GB

These plans are supported but no longer for sale - you cannot sign up, re-sign or transfer to them. You can continue to use these services and make changes to your account as normal

Ultra Fast Broadband – Cable
With home phone (Ultra Fast 50)
With home phone (Ultra Fast 130)
Data allowance per month
Promotional price 12 month term*
On Account discount
Ultra Fast Naked Broadband – Cable
Naked(Ultra Fast 50)
Naked(Ultra Fast 130)
Data allowance per month
Promotional price 12 month term*
On Account discount

Important things to know

Important things to know and Vodafone Offer Summary

Unlimited Broadband - Terms

Offer Summary
Ultra Fast Broadband with Home Phone - Cable Offer Summary
These terms are in addition to our standard Residential Broadband, TV and Fixed Line terms and conditions.

Terms for the Cable 2 months free offer.


  • Stated speeds are based on theoretical maximums. Your actual broadband speed will vary depending on a number of factors including NZ and overseas networks, your modem and computer technology including wifi capability, internal home wiring, other environmental factors, and how many other people are using it at the time. Uploads and downloads count towards your monthly allowance.
  • If you’re switching to Vodafone your existing provider may charge you an early termination fee.
  • A wireless modem and standard broadband connection and wiring offer is available when you choose a contract term.
  • Broadband is not available in all areas.
BestMates for home phone

  • Your nominated numbers can be any NZ landline or NZ mobile number. International phone numbers, special numbers (such as a 0900 or 0800 number) or short codes are excluded.
  • You can change your nominated numbers at any time, however you can only change each nominated number once per month.
  • You can give each of your nominated numbers a unique description or nickname (eg. Mum, Friend, Sister, Boyfriend) so that you can easily identify each number belongs to. You can add, edit or remove a nickname label as often as you like.
  • BestMates for home phone is not available with Standard Broadband Naked and Ultra Fast Broadband Naked plans, business fixed line plans or as an Add-On to the home phone only service.
On Account mobile calling plan discount terms

  • A $10 discount per month applies to Ultra Fast Broadband when it is linked to an eligible Vodafone On Account mobile calling plan, which you or an employer pays for.
  • Eligible plans do not include Prepay, Mobile Broadband, Mobile data, TXT only, Free2Call, Biz Mobile, Biz Data, Invitation Mobile GSM and Free Access plans.
  • You can only have one On Account mobile calling plan monthly discount per broadband plan.
  • If you have an existing 12 month term discount of $10 per month it will automatically be replaced by the On Account mobile calling plan discount if you link your mobile number. You can only have one of these $10 discounts per broadband plan.
  • To receive the discounted monthly pricing for your home broadband plan, you have to have followed the process to link and validate your On Account mobile calling plan to your home broadband plan and remain on a validated On Account mobile calling plan.
  • Each validated On Account phone number may only be registered against one home broadband plan to receive the monthly discount.
  • The discount will cease to apply if you no longer have an eligible On Account mobile calling plan with Vodafone.
Home phone & calling

  • Phone features are an additional monthly charge to your home phone monthly fee.
  • The monthly fee for phone add-ons is charged in advance. If you cancel any of these services part way through the month you will still be billed to the end of the month.
Broadband hardware

  • Motorola SurfBoard SB5101 for 15Mbps/2Mbps connections.
  • Cisco DPC3008 for 50Mbps/2Mbps and 130Mbps/10Mbps connections.
  • Wireless router.

Customer Impacting Events

Mobile & Wireless Broadband ›
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Low No Connection
Fixed Line (Fibre, DSL, HFC) Broadband & Landline ›
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Low No Connection
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