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PhoneInsure Closure

PhoneInsure mobile insurance is being discontinued

Thank you to all our PhoneInsure customers for trusting us to protect their mobile devices.

We are no longer selling mobile insurance and any customers with a current PhoneInsure policy need to be aware that from the 21st of June 2024, your next monthly payment will be your last payment. This will cover you for the following month, at which stage your cover will come to an end.

Up until that time, your mobile phone is covered and remains protected.

See below table for an example of the last payment date:

Billing dayFinal Bill payment dateCoverage until
3rd of the month03-Jul-2402-Aug-24
5th of the month05-Jul-2404-Aug-24
7th of the month07-Jul-2406-Aug-24
9th of the month09-Jul-2408-Aug-24
12th of the month12-Jul-2411-Aug-24
14th of the month14-Jul-2413-Aug-24
17th of the month17-Jul-2416-Aug-24
19th of the month19-Jul-2418-Aug-24
21st of the month21-Jul-2420-Aug-24
23rd of the month23-Jun-2422-Jul-24
25th of the month25-Jun-2424-Jul-24
27th of the month27-Jun-2426-Jul-24
29th of the month29-Jun-2428-Jul-24
30th of the month30-Jun-2429-Jul-24

Frequently asked questions

How can I protect my mobile phone after my PhoneInsure ends?

If you want to continue making sure your mobile is covered, you will need to explore other insurance options.

What does my PhoneInsure policy cover?

PhoneInsure is an insurance policy that offers broad protection and provides cover in the event of damage, theft, or loss of your mobile in New Zealand and also when you have taken your mobile with you whilst temporarily travelling overseas.

How long will my PhoneInsure policy cover me for?

Your PhoneInsure policy covers you for a further month from the date of your next bill after 21 June 2024. For specific information on your last payment date please see this table.

Can I make a claim on my policy before my PhoneInsure cover ends?

Yes, you can make a claim on your policy up until it expires. This will be one month after your final PhoneInsure premium payment.

When will my PhoneInsure cover end?

Your PhoneInsure cover ends one month after your final PhoneInsure premium payment.

Will I be charged on my policy after my next bill from 21 June 2024?

No, you will stop seeing payments on your monthly bill. For specific information on your last payment date please see this table.

Will there be any extra charges on my policy after my next bill from 21 June 2024?

No, you will stop seeing payments on your monthly bill after 21 June 2024. For specific information on your last payment date please see this table.

Who is providing my PhoneInsure cover?

We are no longer offering phone insurance, which means this product is coming to an end. PhoneInsure is underwritten by Chubb Insurance New Zealand Limited (Chubb).

What is PhoneInsure?

PhoneInsure is a monthly renewable insurance policy that offers broad protection and provides cover in the event of damage, theft, or loss of your mobile in New Zealand and also when you have taken your mobile with you whilst temporarily travelling overseas.

Can I still sign up to PhoneInsure?

No, PhoneInsure is no longer available to customers.

Why is my Phoneinsure cover ending?

The partnership arrangement between One NZ and Chubb Insurance New Zealand Limited is coming to an end.

How do I lodge a claim?

To lodge a claim, click here.

When will my last payment be?

For specific information on your last payment date please see this table.

When will my cover continue until?

Your Policy cover will remain in effect to the day immediately before when your next payment would have occurred. For example, if you usually pay on the 22nd of the month, your cover will expire on the 21st of the following month. Any claim up to this date will be considered in accordance with your Policy wording.

Customer Impacting Events

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