The Cancellation process.
Complete this form once for each personal One NZ service you want to cancel (your home broadband, wireless broadband or your personal mobile service).
If the primary account holder is deceased, please fill out our online bereavement form.
As it may not be possible to restore services once they have been disconnected, or it may take time to do so, we require accurate and complete information from you.
Timeline to cancel.
We will send you a confirmation email when the cancellation has started. This process can take up to 7 days.
If there is a problem.
If the form is incomplete, or the details provided are inaccurate or don’t match our records, we will attempt to contact you 3 times to verify your request. If we can’t reach you within 7 days of receiving your request, we won’t action the request and you will need to submit a new cancellation request.