Getting consent for fibre broadband

When you need a signed consent form.

All involved parties need to agree to install fibre broadband.
Person signing a legal document.
Properties with shared driveways.

Where a driveway is shared, all owners will need to give their approval to having fibre laid. This is often the case with cross-leased properties.

Owners or tenants of offices in multi-dwelling buildings or apartments.

In this case, the building owner has to agree to the fibre installation. Where a body corporate administers a building, it can grant permission on behalf of individual owners.

People who are renting.

You will need your landlord’s permission as well.
Fibre installation consent forms
The consent process – if you live in a right of way (shared driveway)
The consent process – if you live in a right of way (shared driveway)
The consent process – if you live in a right of way (shared driveway)

Shared driveway consent

The consent process – if you live or work in a multi-dwelling unit
The consent process – if you live or work in a multi-dwelling unit
The consent process – if you live or work in a multi-dwelling unit

Multi-dwelling consent

We have four fibre install partners

Find your fibre install partner and consent process below
Map of New Zealand showing fibre install partner locations

Our fibre install partners and their consent process

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Excellent Very Good Good Fair Low No Connection
Fixed Line (Fibre, DSL, HFC) Broadband & Landline ›
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Low No Connection
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