Understanding your WiFi

At home, your WiFi uses radio signals to send data between your phones, your computers and your internet connection.
WiFi works by using a modem as an Access Point, so your computers and devices can send and receive data.

Connecting to WiFi.
  • Your WiFi network is referred to as SSID on your modem
  • Your WiFi password is referred to as your WLAN Key.

These numbers are shown on a sticker on the back or bottom of your modem, and you'll use these to connect to your WiFi.
Your modem is set up to use those details straight out of the box. You can make a note of the SSID and password somewhere so that you don't have to look at the back of your modem each time!

If you use a modem that doesn't support newer technologies like WiFi 6, talk to us about options to upgrade it.
You might want to consider SuperWifi or SmartWiFi to improve your WiFi coverage at home.

Take a look at our WiFi Mesh units, which improve your signal by using a technology called beamforming.
How to connect to your WiFi.
Trouble shoot wifi

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