Retired - You Choose plan

Our You Choose mobile plans are supported but no longer for sale - you cannot sign up, re-sign or transfer to them.
You can continue to use your mobile, make changes to your account, and buy or change Add-Ons as normal.

If you are interested in a more current plan, you can explore our Pay Monthly plans.

Choose 20, Choose 60, and Choose 120 plans.

Choose 20Choose 60Choose 120
Plan monthly cost
Anytime mins

Choose 250, Choose 600, and Choose 1100 plans.

Choose 250Choose 600Choose 1100
Plan monthly cost
Anytime mins

Choose 60, Choose 120, and Choose 250 plan charges.

The rates for calls, TXTs and PXTs that fall outside of these plans' allowances.

Choose 20Choose 60Choose 120
National calls
$1.02 per min
$0.81 per min
$0.71 per min
Australia, Canada, Ireland, UK, USA
$0.69 per min
$0.69 per min
$0.69 per min
Rest of the world
$1.43 per min
$1.43 per min
$1.43 per min
$0.20 per TXT
$0.20 per TXT
$0.20 per TXT
PXTs to Vodafone mobiles
$0.69 per PXT
$0.69 per PXT
$0.69 per PXT
PXTs to other networks & international PXTs
$0.69 per PXT
$0.69 per PXT
$0.69 per PXT
Calls to voiceMail
$0.20 per call
$0.20 per call
$0.20 per call
Additional data
$0.69 per MB
$0.69 per MB
$0.69 per MB

Choose 250, Choose 600, and Choose 1100 plan charges.

These are the rates for calls, TXTs and PXTs that fall outside of these plans' allowances.

Choose 250Choose 600Choose 1100
National calls
$0.57 per min
$0.57 per min
$0.51 per min
Australia, Canada, Ireland, UK, USA
$0.69 per min
$0.69 per min
$0.69 per min
Rest of the world
$1.43 per min
$1.43 per min
$1.43 per min
$0.20 per TXT
$0.20 per TXT
$0.20 per TXT
PXTs to Vodafone mobiles
$0.69 per PXT
$0.69 per PXT
$0.69 per PXT
PXTs to other networks & international PXTs
$0.69 per PXT
$0.69 per PXT
$0.69 per PXT
Calls to voiceMail
$0.20 per call
$0.20 per call
$0.20 per call
Additional data
$0.69 per MB
$0.69 per MB
$0.69 per MB

Changing your You Choose contract.

These plans are supported but no longer for sale so you can’t sign up, re-sign or transfer to a You Choose plan.
However, you can cancel your You Choose contract, plan transfer or re-sign to a Smart plan. Fees may apply.

Even if you’re within your contract term it may not cost you anything to change from your existing plan to a new Smart Plan.
Call our customer service centre on 777 from mobile or 0800 800 021 from landline 24/7 to find out more.

Termination fees for You Choose plans.

These charges are not subject to GST, and apply to each mobile being cancelled.

12 month contracts0-3 months4-6 months7-12 months
Choose 20$45
Choose 30 (Starter)$55
Choose 60$70
Choose 120$120
Choose 250$280
Choose 600$335
Choose 1100$450
24 month contracts0-6 months
7-18 months
19-24 months
36 month contracts0-12 months
13-24 months
25-36 months
Choose 20$180
Choose 60$180
Choose 120$180
Choose 250$785
Choose 600$1010
Choose 1100$1125

Early re-sign fees.

12-Month Contracts - Early re-signs are not possible until you have completed 10 months of your 12 month contract. Early re-signs are possible in months 11 and 12 without charge.

24-Month Contracts - Early re-signs are not possible in the first 12 months. An early re-sign fee of $150 will apply from months 13 to 18 if you choose to re-sign onto a NEW term. Early re-signs are possible after 18 months without charge.

Important things to know

Customer Impacting Events

Mobile & Wireless Broadband ›
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Low No Connection
Fixed Line (Fibre, DSL, HFC) Broadband & Landline ›
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Low No Connection
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