Retired - $99.99 Red+ Open Term

This plan is supported but no longer for sale - you cannot sign up, re-sign or transfer to it. You can continue to use your mobile, make changes to your account, and buy or change Add-Ons as normal


Plan cost:

$99.99 per month

Plan includes:

· 5GB of NZ data

· Unlimited Calls to standard NZ and OZ numbers

· Unlimited TXTs to standard NZ and OZ numbers

· Share data with family or tablet

· Daily Roaming for $5 a day

· Fast 4G data on the Supernet*

· Netflix 6 months included

Plan Charges

$2 for 60 minutes
Call overseas landlines in one of 30 countries from NZ anytime and pay no more than $2 for 60 minutes
International calls
$0.51 per minute for calls to mobiles & landlines in Ireland, UK, USA & Canada. $1.43 per minute for mobile & landline calls to the rest of the world. Satellite Calls per minute: $15.64 Inmarsat A, $11.50 Inmarsat B, $4.03 Global Star
Vodafone NZ mobiles within NZ: 20c per PXT. Any other mobile network in NZ and Australia or any email address for the rest of the world: 51c per PXT
Extra Data
With Flexi Data you will be re-directed to a page where you can purchase an additional data bundle (non-recurring) if you run out of data. Bundle options are 100MB for $6, 500MB for $12 or 1GB for $20. Prices include GST.
Video Calls
$0.49 per minute to Vodafone mobiles. $2.03 per minute to mobiles on any other NZ network. $2.05 to international mobiles
Calls to voicemail are free
Daily roaming
For just $5 a day you can use your NZ plan minutes, TXT and data overseas with Daily Roaming

Important things to know

  • Unlimited talk and TXT is for standard person-to-person calls and TXTs to standard NZ and Australian numbers (excludes premium and special numbers)
  • Unlimited talk and TXT is not for multiple simultaneous calling, re-supply, call centre usage, telemarketing, bulk messaging, application-to-person communication, continuously call forwarding, auto-dialling, machine to machine communication (including by using your SIM card in any other device), Cellular Trunking Units (CTUs), or any other activity that Vodafone considers to be non standard usage
  • Your calls will be charged per minute, rounded up to the closest full minute
  • Consumer terms, Mobile terms and Mobile Plan Terms and Conditions apply

  • For $5 a day you can use your plan minutes, TXT and data with Daily Roaming. Simplified rates apply to other destinations.
  • Additional connections and family discounts are available if you sign up a family member under your account (Max 4 discounts). Please note you will be liable for this account.
New Phone Every Year

  • The New Phone Every Year Add-On is not available with all packages, and requires you to resign for a further 24 months and trade in of your current package phone (or pay an equivalent amount). The Add-On must be bought when you buy your plan or in the first month of your package and you must pay 12 consecutive payments before this is available

Red Share
  • Red Share allows you to share your Eligible Plan's data with a Sharing Plan connected to your account.
  • Sharing Plans include Red Share and Red Share Tablet plans. Eligible plans are Red+ Essentials, Red+, Red+ Super, Black or Black Data plan. To share data the Sharing plans must be on the same Billing Account as the Eligible Plan Customer Account holder. You cannot buy a Red Share or Red Share Tablet plan as a standalone plan, nor can it be used without being connected to an Eligible Plan. If the Eligible Plan leaves, the Sharing plans will need to have another Eligible Plan appointed, or move onto a different standalone plan.
  • You can add up to 4 additional Red Share plans or up to 5 additional Red Share Tablet plans to an eligible Red+ plan. Each Red Share Tablet plan must be attached to a Red Share or the Eligible Plan, meaning the number of Red Share tablet plans cannot exceed the combined total number of Eligible Plans and Red Share plans in a sharing relationship
  • Red Share and Red Tablet Share Plans are not eligible for Red+ Family discounting
  • If you are the Customer Account Holder of the Eligible plans and the Sharing Plans, you are the owner of the you will be liable for all Charges payable under that Account, including any that relate to the Sharing Plans. This will include any monthly charges, and any additional charges, such as additional calling, TXTing and roaming charges.
  • The Customer Account Holder is the owner of the account, and accordingly the phone number for any Sharing plans. If the user of the number wishes to move to a different plan, or provider approval must be given by the Account Holder.
  • All Data, whether included in an Eligible Plan's entitlements or purchased as an Add-On is shared across Sharing Plans and consumed on a first in first served basis
  • Sharing Plans must have Billing Account Access to purchase additional data (either through Flexi Data or re-occurring data Add-ons)
  • The Customer Account Holder (and any sharing plan holder with billing access) is able to request and view all usage data relating to the Sharing Plans in relation to data (date and data volume used), calling and TXTing (date, time and numbers called/TXTed)
  • Any member of the sharing group can roam on Daily Roaming to selected destinations. Charges will apply regardless of whether the plan has billing access. If roaming on Daily Roaming, data can be used and shared by any member of the group as if you were at home

Data Test Drive
  • Data Test Drive is available to customers who sign up, or resign, to a new 24 month Red+ Essentials, Red+, Red+ Super, Black or Black data plan; and customers who sign up for Monthly Device Payments (over 24 months) on a Red+ Essentials Open term plan.
  • The special Data Test Drive data allowance is in addition to your plan's base data allowance and will be used before your plan's data allowance.
  • The special Data Test Drive data allowance is only available for one calendar month from the date you sign up to your eligible plan. It will expire either once you have used up the Data Test Drive allowance, or at the end of the one calendar month.
  • The special Data Test Drive data allowance is for use in New Zealand only. Only your plan's data can be used for roaming and normal roaming data charges will apply.
  • If you move to a different plan during the first month, the Data Test Drive allowance will not transfer to your new plan.
  • If you exceed the Data Test Drive allowance and your plan's base data, you will be prompted to purchase Flexi data.

See our current Open Term plans.

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