Retired - Naked Broadband (Telstraclear)

Naked Broadband (Telstraclear)

These plans are supported but no longer for sale - you cannot sign up, re-sign or transfer to them. You can continue to use these services and make changes to your account as normal

Naked plans

Naked Broadband customers enjoy the ultimate in home Internet without needing a phone line. Details of your broadband plan are below.

Plans & Pricing effective from 3rd September 2015:

Speed (Downstream/Upstream)
Usage Allowance
Monthly Charge
Additional Usage
LightSpeed D-40G
Up to 15 Mbps / 2 Mbps
1G packs at $2.95 per pack
LightSpeed E-100G
Up to 15 Mbps / 2 Mbps
1G packs at $2.95 per pack
LightSpeed F-100G
Up to 15 Mbps / 2 Mbps
2G packs at $2.95 per pack
WarpSpeed A-150G
Up to 100 Mbps / 10 Mbps
2G packs at $2.95 per pack
WarpSpeed C-Unlimited
Up to 100 Mbps / 10 Mbps
2G packs at $2.95 per pack

Includes a cable modem provided by Vodafone.

Take a look at our current Naked plans or learn more about Naked broadband.

Important things to know

Other things you need to know about Cable Broadband

  1. Statements about the speed of the services are not guarantees about continuous speed or usage.
  2. All usage (both downstream and upstream) will be counted towards the monthly usage allowance limit. All usage sent to and from the Vodafone servers will also be counted towards your usage allowance limit, including any usage rejected by security software or hardware (such as a firewall) on your own equipment. We will charge you on a monthly basis at the stated overage rate on your plan for any usage both downstream and upstream over the stated usage allowance. Additional usage is charged on a block basis and you will be charged for the whole block even if you do not use all the usage in the block.
  3. We will send an email to your nominated email address when you have used 80% of your usage allowance and another email when you have used 100% of that allowance. It is therefore important that you regularly check your nominated email address for emails we send you about your account and any additional usage charges. You can also check your usage online.
  4. You may change your broadband plan once per billing period
  5. You will be responsible for protecting your computer against any virus, unauthorised access or spam. We recommend that you install appropriate firewalls, spam filters and anti-virus software.
  6. We do not recommend using peer to peer services (file-sharing programmes) as these services use considerable usage.
  7. Connection restrictions may apply in some areas for the WarpSpeed broadband plan.
  8. Internet Services and InHome Terms and Conditions apply.
Cable Modem: Internet services require the installation of a cable modem. The cable modem remains the property of Vodafone.

Customer Impacting Events

Mobile & Wireless Broadband ›
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Low No Connection
Fixed Line (Fibre, DSL, HFC) Broadband & Landline ›
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Low No Connection
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