Retired plan - InHome Broadband

These broadband plans are supported but no longer for sale - you cannot sign up, re-sign or transfer to them.
You can continue to use these services and make changes to your account as normal.

For Wellington, Kapiti and Christchurch.

LightSpeed Broadband*with 40GB of usage

LightSpeed Broadband*with 40GB of usage

WarpSpeed Broadband**with 100GB of usage

WarpSpeed Broadband**with 100GB of usage

+Home Phone+Optional Freeviewdecoder
+Home Phone+InHome TVwith SKY
+Home Phone+Optional T-BoxFreeview decoder#
+Home Phone+InHome TV withT-Box and SKY##
From $79.90 per month
From $117.91 per month
From $119.90 per month
From $157.91 per month

* LightSpeed speed is up to 15 Mbps downstream and up to 2 Mbps upstream.** WarpSpeed speed is up to 130 Mbps downstream and up to 10 Mbps upstream.

#After 24 months standard T-Box rental charges will apply.
##After 24 months standard T-Box rental charges will apply.

For a newer plan with faster speeds, see our current internet plans.

Important things to know

  • Pricing is valid for new customers who signed up to InHome from 1 April 2013. A minimum 12 months contract term applies to InHome broadband plans.
  • A wiring maintenance charge of $3.05 per month is added to your package by default unless you request otherwise.
  • All packages: Installation and early termination charges may apply. InHome terms and conditions apply.
  • Statements about the speed of the services are not guarantees about continuous speed.
  • T-Box with Freeview only available on a 24 months contract.
  • T-Box with SKY only available on a minimum 12 months contract.

Customer Impacting Events

Mobile & Wireless Broadband ›
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Low No Connection
Fixed Line (Fibre, DSL, HFC) Broadband & Landline ›
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Low No Connection
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