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Choose a plan to suit you

Whether you’re a light data user or want to stay connected without worry on endless data, we have a plan for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Endless Data?

We know how important data is to life these days, it is how we get inspired, get in contact and get from A to B. At One New Zealand, we’ve redesigned our mobile plans to make sure you no longer have to worry about running out of data or carry over, you can just carry on.

Instead of picking a plan based on how much data you need, you pick a plan on how much data you need at Max Speed. Once you exceed your Max Speed Data you then get Endless Data at reduced speeds.

What can I do with my Endless Data at reduced speeds?

Once you exceed your Max Speed Data allowance you can continue to enjoy Endless Data at a maximum speed of 1.2Mbps.

With Endless Data at reduced speeds you can continue to do all the things you love like listening to music, keeping up on social media or streaming video (in max SD quality only). You may not be able to use multiple applications at the same time.

Once you start using your Endless Data you will notice a difference in speed with increased load time, particularly when watching video or viewing images in high resolution. The actual speeds will vary depending on device, location, network coverage and network congestion.

What is Max Speed Data?

Max Speed Data refers to data that is delivered at the maximum speed available on the One NZ network. The speed experienced is dependent on your location and the device you are using.

Once you have exceeded your Max Speed Data allowance, your speed will be reduced to a maximum speed of 1.2Mbps

How will I know when I have exceeded my Max Speed Data allowance?

You will be sent a text notification at 80% and then again at 100% to let you know that you have exceeded your Max Speed Data limit, and that you will still get Endless Data at reduced speeds.

You can also check your data usage any time in the My One NZ app. To download the app, search My One NZ in the Google Play store for Android or in the App store for iOS

Customer Impacting Events

Mobile & Wireless Broadband ›
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Low No Connection
Fixed Line (Fibre, DSL, HFC) Broadband & Landline ›
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Low No Connection
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