5G. One NZ was awarded the best mobile network in New Zealand for 2023. 5G in NZ. One NZ was awarded the best mobile network in New Zealand again for 2023.
Business Products & solutions Mobile for Business

5G is ready to transform the way we do business.

With 5G, your business can benefit from future tech, today. Since our first 5G launch for mobile in December 2019, we've continued to expand the 5G network.

5G is live in parts of cities and towns across Aotearoa and we continue to upgrade our digital infrastructure to bring 5G technology to more locations.
Check out our 5G coverage map.

Get more reliable calls and faster mobile downloads on the best mobile network in Aotearoa New Zealand. One NZ has been awarded New Zealand’s ‘Best in Test’ mobile network by global leader in mobile testing, umlaut.

From agriculture to manufacturing, transport to smart cities. 5G is opening up a world of opportunities that will transform New Zealand businesses. Take a look at how One NZ has worked with businesses locally, and globally to see the types of innovations and opportunities 5G can offer.

What you need to be 5G ready, set, go!

5G phone
Available from One NZ or Partner stores.
5G ready plans
5G is included in all One NZ Mobile plans at no extra cost for a limited time.

Want to enjoy 5G now?

Keep your business connected and running smoothly with the latest 5G devices. Call 0800 888 399 to get our latest plan offers

Call 0800 888 256

Frequently asked questions

What is 5G?

5G is the fifth-generation technology for mobile networks. A 5G network is smarter, more consistent and more reliable in every way. It is faster, has lower latency, offers more connectivity and has larger capacity. That means it enables better connectivity for how we live, work and play as well as better connectivity with the rest of the world. Using 5G is worth it just for the speed improvements alone.

How can I access 5G?

You will need a 5G phone from One NZ, a 5G ready plan (all 4G capable plans) and be in a 5G coverage area. Ensure that 5G is enabled in your settings.

5G is now available in select NZ cities, as we continue to expand and roll out 5G to even more towns and cities. So keep an eye on our 5G coverage map to see where you can get 5G.

How much will I pay for 5G?

There is currently no additional cost for 5G mobile plans. If you are looking for a 5G Wireless Broadband plan for your home see our Wireless plans or our Wireless plans for Business.

How much data will I use on 5G? Do I need to be on a plan with unlimited data?

With much faster speeds, you may use more data on 5G, especially for video applications like Netflix or Youtube, and that's because higher video resolutions could result. If you are on a capped plan, we recommend you upgrade to a plan with unlimited data, so that you don’t run out of data.

Can I use a 5G phone that was bought outside of New Zealand or parallel imported, to access One NZ’s 5G network?

We can't guarantee that an overseas/parallel imported phones will work on the One NZ 5G network. We recommend that you buy a One NZ approved 5G phone from One NZ or other selected retailers. One NZ approved handsets are fully tested and compatible with the full suite of One NZ services and our frequencies. This benefit includes the benefit of having support of VoLTE.

What does latency mean, and why does 5G reduce latency?

We experience latency as responsiveness. For example, after entering a web address, does the page load straight away or are you left drumming your fingers? On a network with lower latency like 5G, content could load in just a few milliseconds.

How do 4G and 5G work together?

Due to mobility management and 4G/5G carrier aggregation features, our customers will move seamlessly between 4G or 5G coverage. That means you won't even notice that it's happened.

Can I use 5G when I am roaming overseas?

Yes, you can roam with 5G. 5G is now available in selected countries when traveling overseas. Find out what countries are 5G enabled.

Is 5G safe to use?

Yes, 5G is safe. The Ministry of Health and the World Health Organisation offer factual information on their websites. Over 30 years of research has been done on the effects of radio waves from mobile phones and there are no known negative health impacts.

Customer Impacting Events

Mobile & Wireless Broadband ›
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Low No Connection
Fixed Line (Fibre, DSL, HFC) Broadband & Landline ›
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Low No Connection
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