Business Mentors Partnership - Get fresh eyes to help your business grow Business Mentors Partnership - Get fresh eyes to help your business grow

Put a Business Mentor to work for you

Running a small business is amazing, but hard work. You don’t need us to tell you that. But what we can help you with – apart from awesome digital tools – is some welcome support and advice, from someone who’s been right where you are now.
A group of 3 people in a row
We’ve teamed up with Business Mentors New Zealand (BMNZ) to match you with someone who can give you the advice and experience to help you reach your goals.
A light bulb and a briefcase
Whether you’re just starting out or you’re well established, we can all benefit from the fresh perspective and wisdom a business mentor can bring.
A group of 2 people
Through an experienced pool of nearly 2,000 mentors, BMNZ will team you up with someone (ideally someone local) who can support you in person.

About Business Mentors New Zealand

Business Mentors - Inspiring Success

Since 1991, Business Mentors NZ have mentored more than 80,000 small business owners and not-for-profit executives, providing expertise, empathy and experience.

They match needs with knowledge locally and virtually through a nationwide reach of 1500+ Mentors with cross-transferrable skills. Regardless of sector, a good Mentor will develop your abilities and empower you to navigate today’s competitive business environment.

Learn more about Business Mentors New Zealand here

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