Credit Check

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Here at One Zealand, our customers' financial wellbeing and stability are a priority. As part of our commitment to responsible lending and risk management, we request that all customers undergo a thorough credit assessment prior to purchasing our products and services.

We assess your creditworthiness to ensure you only take on financial responsibilities within your capacity. Understanding your credit profile enables us to make informed decisions and maintain a healthy balance between credit lending and risk exposure. It also allows us to customise our products and services to meet your needs while avoiding undue pressure on your finances.

Credit Bureau Agencies such as Centrix and Illion carry out the assessments and then provide credit reports to us. We may hold the information we collect about you while you use our services and for a period of time afterwards. However, we retain this information only for as long as we are legally entitled to use it in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we work together to create a secure and sustainable financial environment for everyone involved.

Credit Check Disclosure Statement

As part of the application process, I’ll ask you a few questions.

The identification documents you share with us — such as your driver’s license or New Zealand passport — will be validated with the New Zealand Transport Authority Waka Kotahi or the Department of Internal Affairs. Please refer to their privacy policies for how they handle your personal information.

If you choose an Interest Free payment option or Broadband, we’ll need to perform a credit check. Don’t worry—this is a standard procedure. We’ll collaborate with credit bureau agencies like Centrix and Illion to retrieve your credit report. This helps us make an informed decision.

These credit bureau agencies will receive and may use your information for credit reporting purposes and to update their credit reporting databases. They may also provide your credit information to other third parties that they contract with for credit reporting purposes.

Additionally, for credit affordability purposes, we may need more information about your income and expenses. This is all part of ensuring that your Interest Free Purchase is accepted. The information we collect will be used to assess your financial situation and help us make the best decision for you.

As always, our practices are in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Your privacy and trust are of importance to us. Supplying the information above is voluntary, however we will not be able to continue with your application for Interest Free or Broadband. We may need to make a fine status request. In that event, the fine response from the Ministry of Justice will be disclosed to us and our credit bureau agency, Centrix.

Are you okay to proceed?​


What if I don't want to go through a Credit Check?

Credit Checks are part of the application process for all customers. Unfortunately, without these checks, we cannot proceed further. For broadband plans or interest-free device or accessory purchases, customers must undergo external checks, while mobile-only plans require ID checks only.

What information is in my Consumer Credit Report?

Your Consumer Credit report provides insights into your financial history and helps ensure transparency and responsible lending practices. It includes personal information you may have shared with other companies previously and may consist of any or all of the following:
  • Credit Score: A numerical value between 0 and 1,000 that reflects your bill and payment management. Higher scores indicate better credit ratings.
  • Consumer Information: Includes your name, any aliases, known addresses, and date of birth.
  • Driver License or Passport Verification: If you’ve provided these details for identity verification, they’ll be displayed in the file.
  • Account Information / Account Arrears: Comprehensive credit account details, including credit extended, account status (open or closed), and repayment history.
  • File Activity: Logs previous accesses to your credit file, including tracking who has viewed it.
  • Credit Defaults: Displays current or past defaults, along with repayment information.
  • Judgments: Records court judgments related to outstanding debts.
  • Insolvencies / Debt Repayment Orders: Information about bankruptcy and debt repayment orders.
  • Company Affiliations: Details about directorships and shareholdings from the New Zealand Companies Office.

What information is in my Business Credit Report?

Your Business Credit report provides insights into your financial history. It includes commercial information you may have shared with other companies previously and may consist of any or all of the following: Below, we’ve broken down what could be included in your credit file;
  • Credit score
  • Company information, including previous registered and trading names
  • Registration period
  • Director’s names
  • Shareholder names, shareholdings, and affiliations if any
  • Credit defaults, insolvencies, and judgements if any
  • Credit enquiries

What influences my Credit Score?

Factors that influence your credit score include:
  • Repayment History: How well you’ve managed payments.
  • Types of Loans: Secured or unsecured credit.
  • Length of Credit History: The amount of time you’ve had credit accounts for.
  • Debt Usage: The amount you owe relative to your credit limit.
  • New Account Applications: Applying for new credit can impact your score.

To enhance your credit score, you can:
  • Pay Bills Timely: Settle all accounts promptly.
  • Clear Defaults: Clear outstanding credit defaults.
  • Limit New Accounts: Avoid opening too many accounts.

What is an Affordability Check?

An affordability check is a thorough evaluation that helps determine whether an individual or a company can manage the cost of a specific item, service, or financial commitment without
jeopardising their overall financial well-being.

Affordability Check Process - What You Need to Know

Email Notification for Affordability Check: If you’ve requested an Interest Free Payment term and your credit files with our partners Centrix and Illion lack sufficient information, you will receive an email from to undergo an affordability check.

Additional Information Required: To carry out an affordability check, we will require details about your income and expenses. You can complete the check on your mobile phone, laptop, or tablet, and you’ll need to have your internet banking credentials handy in case we need more information about your income and expenses. This all helps us to complete our assessment and make the best decision for you.
Note, our system doesn’t work with mobile banking apps.

Relevant Transaction Details: Only relevant transaction data is shared with One NZ and our system often makes automatic decisions based on this information. If there’s an issue or you need a re-evaluation within 72 hours, our Credit Review Team will step in.

Data Retention: Our credit partner, Illion, carries out the assessment which generates your affordability score/rating. Once this has been shared with us, they permanently delete all records within 72 hours. The approved or declined outcome is then stored in One NZ’s systems for audit purposes for 42 months.

Loading Bank Statements:

1. Illion Bank Statements:
  • Secure Retrieval: Use this tool to securely retrieve copies of your bank statements. Log in directly using your online banking credentials.
  • Credential Safety: Your credentials are not saved or shared with anyone else. Illion can only access your information for a limited time after the bank connection is established.
  • Bank-Level Encryption: Our service employs bank-level encryption for maximum security.
  • Password Change Option: If you prefer, you can change your banking password after using the tool.
  • Single-Use Link: The link provided works only once, ensuring no unauthorised access. Please have your user ID, password, and anything else you need to log into your internet banking handy.

2. Manual Upload:
  • Alternatively, you can manually upload your last 90 days’ worth of bank statements (covering three (3) calendar months). Keep in mind that manual uploads may take longer and could delay our review process.

Accepted Format: We accept official statements or high-quality scanned files supplied in PDF format only. We cannot accept screenshots, photos or printed copies, and no documents supplied in non-PDF format.

Alternatively, you can explore our Prepay mobile plans or opt for purchasing the device outright.

How do I get my credit report?

We use Centrix and Illion. You can sign up online and access your credit report and credit score free of charge. It will give you a better understanding of the information we have reviewed:

Does requesting my credit report impact my credit score?

No, requesting a copy of your credit file (even multiple times) does not impact your score. In fact, you can subscribe with Centrix to receive a copy every month with updated credit scores. So, if you carefully monitor your file regularly, there's no negative impact.

Do credit checks impact my scores?

Each search leaves a trace on your credit file, and multiple searches can impact your credit score, making it harder to secure credit in the future.

Some companies also pay attention to search volume. High search numbers might raise concerns elsewhere, potentially affecting credit approvals, so giving consent before any credit check is important.

How do I request a copy of my information from One NZ?

To request access to personal information that we hold about you or to request corrections to your personal information.

Is my data safe?

We understand that you’re sharing personal information with us, and we appreciate your trust. We take data protection seriously, and your information will only be shared with our credit check partners, Centrix and Illion.

Information provided is retained only for as long as we are legally entitled to use it in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Why was my application declined?

Privacy rules prevent us from disclosing specific reasons for individual decisions. However, when assessing credit applications, several factors may be considered, including:

  • Credit Agency Bureau assessments: Information received from Credit Agency Bureaus.
  • Overdue Accounts: Any overdue accounts you may have with other credit providers.
  • Payment History: Your previous record of making payments on time.
  • Existing Credit: The amount of existing credit you have approved and whether additional credit has been requested.
  • Write-offs: Unpaid debts that have been written off and handed over to a debt collection agency.

If the information provided by the credit agency bureau (Centrix or Illion) and/or an affordability check is unsatisfactory, we may:
  1. Decline your application.
  2. Ask for a higher interest-free deposit and/or impose other conditions (including a mandatory payment method or credit limit).
  3. Limit the value of the product or service, requiring a lower monthly payment,
  4. Provide a restricted Service (e.g. Plan only)
    • This enables you to build a payment history with us while enjoying our services and the benefits of being on our network and plans.

Alternatively, you may decide to explore our Prepay plans or purchase the device outright.

If you have questions about your personal credit history, you can reach out to the credit agency bureau at any time to request a copy of your credit file:
  • Centrix : Available Monday to Friday, 9am to 4.30pm by calling 0800 236 874.
  • Illion: Available Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 6pm by calling 0800 733 707.

Terms & Conditions

Credit checks: You give us permission to run credit checks and ongoing assessments on you when we think, acting reasonably, that it’s appropriate. If you do not meet our standard credit check requirements as a result of those checks, we might restrict your Service or stop providing it to you. One NZ Consumer and Residential Broadband terms apply.

Privacy Policy: One NZ New Zealand Limited is committed to protecting your personal information. The information that we collect about you may be held by us while you are using our services and for a period of time afterwards, but only for so long as we are legally entitled to use the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

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Excellent Very Good Good Fair Low No Connection
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