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Mobile Coverage - Maps

Reliable coverage

Providing standardised customer engagement icon
Our mobile network covers 99% of where Kiwis work and live
New Zealand map
5G is live in parts of cities and towns right across NZ
Get Rewards for being with One NZ.
NZ’s best mobile network - Awarded by umlaut in 2022, 2023 and 2024
Coverage around the world
4G roaming to over 180 countries
High definition and VoLTE calling
HD+ Ultra High Definition Voice Calls only on One NZ

Check out our latest 5G phones. See the exciting possibilities of 5G.

To get the fast data speed of 5G, you need to be in an area with 5G coverage, have a 5G phone from One NZ and be on a 5G ready plan.

5G is the future, so it's time to say goodbye to 3G in December 2025. To find out more, check out the details of our 3G switch-off.

Check your coverage

This coverage map is indicative and it's meant to give you general guidance on where our network and outdoor coverage is available.
Coverage may vary depending on your exact location, and on the type of phone or device being used.

How to get fast 5G data speeds on your phone.
To get the fast data speed of 5G, you'll need to be in an area with 5G coverage, have a 5G phone with 5G activated, or use a 5G modem from One NZ.

How do I get the best voice calling quality on my phone?
VoLTE technology enables voice calling on 4G and 5G phones using our 4G network. When you start using a VoLTE-capable phone, you'll notice the amazing call quality, fewer dropped calls, and quick call setup times.
To use VoLTE, you'll need a VoLTE-capable mobile phone. This may also require a software update to enable VoLTE on your phone. See our list of VoLTE-capable phones to learn more and understand what to expect with software updates.

How to get the best coverage for calling at your home or your work.
Wifi-calling is similar to VoLTE and works over any reliable WiFi connection. It's great at home, work, or anywhere else where coverage may not be ideal.
You can learn more about Wifi calling here.

Does your phone work on the One NZ network?
To ensure the best network experience, it's crucial that your phone is fully compatible with our network. This is especially important if your phone or device was purchased overseas, through an international website, or from a parallel importer who may not have verified its compatibility with New Zealand's mobile networks. For optimal performance on 4G, check that your phone supports the following 4G bands:

  • 4G Band 1 (LTE 2100MHz).
  • 4G Band 3 (LTE 1800MHz).
  • 4G Band 7 (LTE 2600MHz).
  • 4G Band 8 (LTE 900MHz).
  • 4G Band 28 (LTE 700MHz).

If you have a 5G phone, you can check that it works with Band n78, which operates at the 3.5GHz frequency.

What's our coverage?

2G 3G-coverage
4G and 5G Coverage
Our 4G and 5G network connects more than 99% of the population and delivers a great experience with data on speed and connectivity, and voice quality with VoLTE. By late 2024 we’ll have rolled out 4G or 5G everywhere we currently have 3G and we’ll start to switch off the 3G network. There's plenty of time to make the move over to 4G or 5G.
Coverage solutions
One NZ Satellite TXT is here
TXT in the middle of nowhere with an eligible phone and plan on NZ's only
Starlink-powered satellite mobile network.*
Jade using phone
One Pin
We want all of Aotearoa to feel connected. That's why we spend over $100,000,000 upgrading more than 300 sites each year. But there's nothing quite like hearing real-world feedback, so we're asking kiwis to tell us exactly where they're experiencing dropped calls, slow speeds, or simply don't have connectivity at all.

Drop a pin at and help us to create a more connected Aotearoa.
Best Network
One NZ was awarded the best mobile network in Aotearoa New Zealand again - awarded Best in Test on Voice, Data and Reliability. Independently tested by global leader in mobile benchmarking, umlaut, part of Accenture, in April 2024. Learn more at
Rural Broadband
Rural Broadband
Find out about Rural Broadband with Farmside our Rural Broadband partner.
If you’re on one of our eligible Pay Monthly plans you can use your plan minutes, TXTs and data in over 180 destinations for $9 a day with Daily Roaming.
Jade Showing Necklace On Boat
If you're out on the water, you have access to our fantastic extended 900 MHz 3G network – this means that smartphones have coverage for up to 120kms offshore. We still recommend you have a VHF radio on board for emergencies.
Jade's dad using phone at home
Voice over WiFi
With Wifi Calling it’s easy to make and receive calls and texts in any location covered by WiFi across NZ or overseas, even when you have a weak or no mobile signal. ​

It works like a normal call, plus there’s no additional charge for One NZ customers as it will come out of your plan’s minutes.​

Customer Impacting Events

Mobile & Wireless Broadband ›
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Low No Connection
Fixed Line (Fibre, DSL, HFC) Broadband & Landline ›
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Low No Connection
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