Our Sustainability Kaupapa
Our approach to operating sustainably is shaped by our purpose of a better-connected Aotearoa New Zealand. We want to contribute to building an inclusive, sustainable and trusted digital world where all individuals and businesses can thrive.

Operating sustainably
We want to contribute to the ongoing success of Aotearoa. We take a long-term view of our corporate responsibility as a New Zealand business.
Sustainability at One NZ covers ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) and is guided by this whakataukī: Whatungarongaro te tangata, toitū te whenua (translation: as people disappear from sight, the land remains).
Our Sustainability Kaupapa provides a framework for our people and outlines how we approach operating in a sustainable way.
Our Sustainability strategy Our FY24 Sustainability report

Environment - Greener Aotearoa
We’re supporting NZ’s transition to a low-carbon future. As a technology company, we’re focused on driving energy efficiency, reducing e-waste and enabling our customers to reduce their emissions by using our technology and services. We’re fostering kaitiakitanga and guardianship to protect our environment.

Governance - Trusted Partner
We are committed to operating a safe and resilient business. We prioritise physical and digital resilience and aim to create an inclusive workplace focusing on wellbeing, health and safety. We have an employee code of conduct that emphasises maintaining ethical policies, customer and supplier relationships. By extending kotahitanga, we'll show unity to achieve collective outcomes.
Creating a greener Aotearoa
We’re committed to reducing our environmental footprint and greenhouse gas emissions, focusing on energy efficiency initiatives. We’re limiting e-waste within our operations, reusing equipment wherever possible, and recycling at least 95% of our network waste. We encourage circularity and the reuse of phones via Trade In, and partner with others including RE:MOBILE to refurbish and recycle old mobile phones and devices.

Emissions Reduction
We’ve been measuring our carbon footprint since 2007. Most of our emissions come from purchased electricity in our technology operations, so we’re prioritising energy efficiency and conservation, decommissioning energy-hungry legacy equipment, and working with a power company that generates electricity through 100% renewable sources.