Terms - Online Billing
- We will send you notification, on a monthly basis, that your bill is payable by you to us ("Notification").
- Notification will be by email or email and text message. If you elect to receive Notification by email, you are responsible for ensuring that the email address you supply to us is correct and valid.
- We will not be responsible if Notification is not received by you for any reason.
- If you have a Direct Debit or Variable Credit Card Agreement, you agree that Notification is sufficient advance notice of the net amount, and due date of each direct debit.
- At your request, a customer service representative will provide to you a one-off paper copy of your bill. You will be charged $5 for each copy that we provide to you at your request.
- You may elect to switch back to receiving paper bills on an on-going basis, instead of using online billing, at any time. If you elect to receive a paper copy of your bill within 2 days of your next bill being posted, you may not receive a paper bill until the following monthly bill.