Archived Terms - Prepay Daily Deals
These terms and conditions were updated on 18 September 2023. Please refer to the current Prepay Daily Deals terms.
- To be eligible for Daily Deals you must be on MyFlex Prepay.
- When you join an eligible plan it may take up to 5 days before your first Prepay Deals are ready.
- Daily Deals gives you a minimum of two personalised offers each day. If you purchase more than one deal, we cannot guarantee they will be consumed in the order they were purchased or in the order of the deal expiry. For example, if you purchase 1000 NZMBs for 3 days on Monday and 500 NZMBs for 7 days on Tuesday, your Tuesday deal may be consumed first.
- New Deals available to purchase daily from midnight* to 23:59.
- *Daily Deals may refresh in the Deals Wheel between 11pm and midnight, however the deal period stated in the Daily Deal offer will remain the same.
- Purchased deals expire at 23:59 at the end of the period stated in the relevant Daily Deal offer.
- Deals go into effect immediately upon purchase, however the official offer period will begin at midnight on the day of purchase.
- If you use up all the entitlements of your Daily Deal before the end of the eligible purchase period you can check out other deals or add-ons through the My One NZ App, online in My One NZ or by calling 321 provided you have sufficient credit. No Daily Deal will auto renew.
- You can have up to three Daily Deals redeemed at one time.
- General Consumer Terms, Mobile Terms, and any relevant plan and offer / add-on terms apply.
- Please note: These terms and conditions apply to customers who signed up for their eligible Prepay plan from 31 July 2020. If you signed up before 31 July 2020, you can find your terms here.
- Sign into My One NZ for your Daily Deals.