Residential Toll Calling
Terms and Conditions for customers who signed up Services with TelstraClear pre-1 April 2013.
On 31 March 2013 Vodafone Fixed Limited trading as TelstraClear (“TelstraClear”) merged with Vodafone New Zealand Limited (“Vodafone”). Vodafone has assumed all the rights and obligations of TelstraClear.
Please refer the individual Calling pages for more information about the pricing and features of each plan/package.
General Terms and Conditions for Vodafone Residential Toll Calling Plans and Packages
- Only available to residential customers. Vodafone Residential Terms and Conditions apply.
- All rates include GST.
- All calls are charged on a minute plus minute basis.
- All calls are rounded up to the nearest minute.
Talk24/7 Terms and Conditions
- Standard rates apply after 2 hours on the capped calling offers.
- Vodafone Card calls (normal surcharge applies) are included in the capped calling offers, except those made from a mobile phone or pay phone and operator assisted calls.
Kiwi Yak Pak® Terms and Conditions
- It is the responsibility of the customer to contact Vodafone to terminate these services.
- Kiwi Yak Paks® are available to Vodafone residential customers excluding Ztalk customers. Unused minutes at the end of each month cannot be carried forward or redeemed.
- Customers cannot have more than one Kiwi Yak Pak®.
- Kiwi Off Peak Yak Paks®: Covers national toll calls during off peak periods (6pm-8am weeknights, all day weekends and national statutory holidays). Calls to mobiles are excluded.
- Kiwi Anytime Yak Paks® : Covers national toll calls made anytime. Calls to mobiles are excluded.
- The full monthly charge is payable if a Kiwi Yak Pak® is cancelled part way through a billing month.
- Calls originating from mobiles, payphones, overseas and operator assisted calls are excluded.
- Kiwi Yak Pak® customers are not eligible for national ‘capped’ calling offers.
- All calls not covered by the Kiwi Yak Pak® are charged according to the customer’s pricing plan.
Home to Mobile Yak Pak® Terms and Conditions
- It is the responsibility of the customer to contact Vodafone to terminate these services.
- Home to Mobile Yak Paks® are available to Vodafone residential customers excluding Ztalk customers.
- Unused minutes at the end of each month cannot be carried forward or redeemed.
- Customers cannot have more than one Home to Mobile Yak Pak®.
- Home to Mobile Yak Paks® : Covers calls made anytime from a landline to a New Zealand mobile phone.
- The full monthly charge is payable if a Home to Mobile Yak Pak® is cancelled part way through a billing month.
- Calls originating from mobiles, payphones, overseas and operator assisted calls are excluded.
- All calls not covered by the Home to Mobile Yak Pak® are charged according to the customer’s pricing plan.
Residential Calling Plans Terms and Conditions
- Standard rates apply after 2 hours on the capped calling offers.
- For Peak/Off peak plans: Peak is 8am-6pm Monday to Friday; Off peak is 6pm-8am Monday to Friday, all day weekends and national statutory holidays.
- For plans with "capped" calls, calls must start within the off peak period to be eligible for capping (except for the Flat Rate National plan).
Big NZ Terms and Conditions
- It is the responsibility of the customer to contact Vodafone to terminate these services.
- Monthly charges: Australia only $2.95 per month, USA and Canada only $7.95 per month, UK and Ireland only: $7.95 per month.
- Calls cost 19c per minute off-peak and 45c per minute peak. Capped calls cost $2.75 for up to 2 hours off-peak.
- Excludes calls to/from mobiles, Ztalk and Vodafone Calling Card calls.
- Capped calls must start within the off-peak period. Off-peak is 6pm-8am Mon-Fri, weekends and national statutory holidays.