Wireless Broadband

Wireless Broadband home phone | Manage Call Waiting

Let's you know when someone is trying to call you while you're on another call.

B315 modem | Upgrade firmware

This article provides steps to help you upgrade your B315 modem firmware.

B818 modem | Upgrade firmware

Upgrading B818 firmware to the latest version

My One NZ | View usage

This article explains how to check Call, TXT, Data and Internet usage and see how much data you may have left through our website, My One NZ App and CustomerZone

Home Phone Wireless not working?

If your Home Phone Wireless service is not working then call 0800 189 189 from another phone and our service team will check to see if everything is working correctly. If the device is still not working please go to one of our retail stores where you signed up for Home Phone Wireless and we will send it to get assessed. We will offer you a loan phone during this time.

B818/H122 | Change Wi-Fi name or password

This page explains how to change the Wi-Fi name and password on a B818 or H122 modem.

About the Account Administration Fee

This page provides answers to questions you may have about the Account Administration Fee.

Home Phone Wireless | Fix your home phone

Tips to fix problems making or receiving calls from your Home Phone Wireless.

What are people charged when calling my Home Phone Wireless number?

Standard home phone calling charges apply. If the person calling you is in the same local calling area, they will be charged at the local calling rates (i.e. a free local call). So if you are both in the same local calling area you can call each other for free in the same way all home phone customers currently do - whether fixed line or wireless.

Internet Explorer Not Supported

Please note that we do not support Internet Explorer. For optimal browsing we recommend Chrome, Safari, or Firefox.