My One NZ | Set up Direct Debit from a credit card
This page explains how to set up a direct debit from a Credit Card (VCC) using My One NZ
My One NZ app | Manage Notification Settings
This page explains how to update your My One NZ app Notification settings.
Red Share | Your questions answered
This article has all the most common FAQs about the Red Share plan for phones and devices.
About Split Reporting
This article has the answers to the most commonly asked questions about using the Split Reporting (VSR) tool.
What does MSISDN stand for?
Describes what a MSISDN is
Roaming rates for BizMobile and ResMobile plans
This article details the roaming rates for mobile plans BizMobile and ResMobile.
Payments | Setup direct debit via Bank Account through the website
This page explains how to set up a direct debit from a Bank Account through the One NZ website.
Mobile | Change the ring time
This article details how you can change the ring time of your mobile handset
018 Directory Assistance | Summary
This article provides details about 018 Directory service.
Mobile | Hotspot and tethering
This article explains how you can connect a device to your mobile handset.