018 - national directory assistance - use and costs

National directory assistance FAQ

If you need to find a home or business number, just call 018. They can help you from their up-to-date listings of all New Zealand phone numbers and addresses. All they need is a name (even if you don't know the exact spelling) and a rough address. If the number and address are listed, they'll give them to you.

If you've called from your mobile on our network, they'll even follow-up with all the details in a TXT. If there's a few matches, they can help you zero in on the right one. You can connect directly to the number by pressing 1* - no need to write anything down.

From your mobile (Incl GST)

Calls to 018 (National Directory Assistance) from a mobile $1.03
Direct Connect from a mobile (Push 1 to Direct Connect within an 018 call) $0.49

From your landline (Incl GST)

Calls to 018 (National Directory Assistance) from a landline$0.64
Direct connect from a landline (Push 1 to Direct Connect within an 018 call)$0.42

From your business landline (Excl GST)

Calls to 018 (National Directory Assistance) from a landline $0.80
Direct connect from a landline (Push 1 to Direct Connect within an 018 call) $0.42

Please note

  • If your mobile has a toll bar or if you're on Prepay you can't press 1 to Direct Connect
  • You can't press 1 to Direct Connect to an 0900 number
  • Pressing 1 to Direct Connect from your mobile costs 51c, and the call itself is charged at your plans off net rate, even if it's a number on our network
  • If you're blocking your mobile number from appearing on Caller ID, you can't get the follow-up TXT and you can't press 1 to Direct Connect, and you'll still be charged $1.03 for your 018 call. To un-block your number, call us on 777 free from your mobile or you can do it yourself.

    To protect people's privacy, there are two situations where 018 can't help you:
    > They can't give you an address or a name if you only have a phone number
    > They can't give you a phone number if you only know an address but not a name.

Visit the 018 website  >

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