My One NZ | Check your balance

This article explains how to view your balance through our website, app or via TXT

Before you start

Pay Monthly connections

  • On Account Credit balances are not displayed
  • To view billing information, you need to have the appropriate level of access (Customer level or Account level) Learn more about access levels in My One NZ

Prepay connections

Your prepaid balance is displayed when you open My One NZ.

If you need to Top Up, you can do that in the My One NZ, or online .


On the TXT that you will receive, you will see the balance on your account, your next bill date and a link to sign in to look further.

These TXTs are free to send and receive.


My One NZ App

  1. Sign in to the My One NZ app.

    The main dashboard appears showing your balance.
  2. Tap Accounts & Services, then select the account you want to view.
    Screenshot My One NZ App Accounts and Services
    The 'Your balance is' tile displays your current balance.
    Screenshot My One NZ App Prepay Balance

    For Prepay accounts, you can also view your credit balance by scrolling down to the Essentials section, and clicking View detailed usage.

My One NZ Web

  1. Log into My One NZ , selecting My One NZ

    Screenshot My One NZ Web sign in
    The Summary screen appears.

    You will see the folllowing:
    • Plan minutes TXTs and data - The remaining minutes, TXTs and data appears next to each mobile number.
    • Invoice balance (Pay Monthly only) - The outstanding amount owing on the account appears next to the account holder's mobile number.
    • Credit balance (Prepay only) - The credit balance appears underneath the Prepay mobile number.
      Screenshot - My One NZ Web - Summary screen - Balance


  1. On your One NZ mobile, TXT BAL to 777.

    A TXT message is sent to you, if you are on:
    • Prepay - the TXT contains the following:
      TXT message format
      General BAL:Balance on the accountUnused credit $nnn.nnUnused Credit: $33.59
      Expiry date of creditExpiry date: dd/mm/yyyyExpiry date: 25/03/2003
      Last call cost (of voice calls only)Last Call dd/mm/yyLast Call: 20/10/2023 (this field can be n/a)
    • Pay Monthly - The TXT contains the following:
      TXT FormatInformation
      Unbilled balance: $36.54 (excl GST & mnthly plan fee)This refers to your usage since your last bill.

      Please note: Note, your usage may not include activity in the last 2 hours or any roaming charges incurred while overseas.
      Yr nxt bill date: 18/02/19The date of your next bill.
      Check your balance, usage & more in the My One NZ App: to log in or register for My One NZ.

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