
One Business with Webex | Turn off "pause app activity if unused"

This article contains steps to turn off the default sleep state applied to all installed apps on Android smartphones, resulting in an improved Webex user experience.

Voicemail | User guides for Easy Office

This article explains how to set up and manage voicemail for Easy Office.

One Business with Webex | Access Call Settings

This article contains information on how to access your call settings (which can be used to enable a range of calling features) on both your desktop and mobile One Business with Webex app.

Viewing your ICT Service Requests

To log an ICT Service Request, follow Log a new ICT Service Request article

Getting One NZ Broadband installed at your business

This article shows an overview of the three step process for getting Ultra Fast Broadband installed at your place of business.

Office Net Cloud | Calling features

Below are the calling features available as part of Office Net Cloud.

My One NZ | Manage Red Share for Business Soft Data Limits

Soft limits let you create up to 3 different data profiles that can be applied to every user in your group and easily managed through My One NZ.

How to view a One NZ bill | One NZ D

Log into the One Business Portal Click the Finances tab

Red Share for Business | Manage mobile data access

For any users who do exceed their soft limit, administrators have the ability to easily stop their access to mobile data through My One NZ . They can also restart them if continued mobile data is needed, or, they roll over into the next month and their data allocation resets.

OneDrive for Business | FAQs

OneDrive for Business provides file storage online so that you can access your documents anywhere and on any device. Here are links to the most commonly asked questions, and answers.

Internet Explorer Not Supported

Please note that we do not support Internet Explorer. For optimal browsing we recommend Chrome, Safari, or Firefox.