CustomerZone | Password Summary
This article contains details about passwords used in CustomerZone.
Benefits of Customer Zone's 'My Profile'
The Customer Zone My Profile section is a secure, personalised area of our website that lets you manage all of your cable or HFC broadband and home phone services in one easy place.
About Clearnet passwords
There are a few different kinds of passwords you might have with us, each of which has a different function.
Account Details | Account Change forms
This article explains how you can request a change to your account name, transfer your mobile number to someone else's name or even restructure your entire company's mobile connections.
Mobile | About Account Security PINs
This article explains why we use security PINs on your Mobile account.
Opt out of One NZ marketing communications
If you don't want to receive marketing communications from One NZ:
What does REF:TCL on my bill mean?
Details about the REF:TCL reference on a bill
Can I put my broadband account on hold?
No, sorry, we don't offer an option to place your fixed line and broadband account on hold.
My One NZ | Change email address
This article covers how you can change the email address associated with your My One NZ or CustomerZone Account.
Account Details | Change the address we provide your service
This article explains what to do if you need to change your services to a new address.