
SmartWifi X53 | Set up the modem

This page explains how to set up a SmartWifi X53 for Business Fibre.

About the Account Administration Fee

This page provides answers to questions you may have about the Account Administration Fee.

About One NZ Pass

This article covers the most common questions about One NZ Pass including which apps are included, what might use your plan data outside of a One NZ Pass, and more.

Premium TXTs | About

This article explains what premium TXT services are and how you can sign up to them and how to cancel them.

Broadband | Modem replacement

This article contains details about whats covered if you a replacement modem.

About late payment fees

What is a late payment fee

Vulnerable customers

You should know

Phone | One NZ Numbers used to call customers

This article describes what numbers One NZ uses to call our customers so you can check if you've received is from us.

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Please note that we do not support Internet Explorer. For optimal browsing we recommend Chrome, Safari, or Firefox.