Cancel a business service

This article explains what to do if you want to cancel a business plan

If you wish to disconnect a service please contact our Business Customer Care team , or your Account Manager (if you have one), as some services may be under a contract period where early termination charges may be incurred.

As per our terms and conditions  we require notice in writing on a signed company letterhead for any disconnection.

Are there charges for closing a Business account?

All cancellations or account closures of Business accounts require notice to remove services; disconnection of services prior to the notice period will result in charges being applied until the required 30-day notice is completed. There may be additional charges depending on individual services/contracts applicable on your account. Any applicable charges will be discussed with you when we receive notice of your intent to close your account.

If you are still within an initial contract term you will be required to provide notice of your intention to remove your services and in addition you will be charged any applicable Early Termination Charges . These are set out in our agreement with you. This will be discussed on an account basis when you contact us to close your account.

If you are outside of an initial contract term then you are still required to give us notice of your intent to terminate our agreement. Our agreement will keep running for a period from when you tell us you wish to terminate. If you give us notice and then move your services to another provider later then you will not be charged anything. If you do not give us any notice and use another provider for your services immediately, then because the agreement was still running, you will be charged for those notice period.

Want to find out when your contract is due to expire and if any terminations fees will apply? Please call us on 888.

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