About the Account Administration Fee
This page provides answers to questions you may have about the Account Administration Fee.
What are people charged when calling my Home Phone Wireless number?
Standard home phone calling charges apply. If the person calling you is in the same local calling area, they will be charged at the local calling rates (i.e. a free local call). So if you are both in the same local calling area you can call each other for free in the same way all home phone customers currently do - whether fixed line or wireless.
Payments | Setup direct debit via Bank Account through the website
This page explains how to set up a direct debit from a Bank Account through the One NZ website.
Account Details | How to find your customer/account number
This article explains where you can find your One NZ account number.
One NZ B and C bill | Summary
We try and make your Broadband and phone bill as simple to understand as possible.
One Business with Webex and SIP | Your bill
This article details what is included in your One Business with Webex or SIP bill.
I used my services, but didn't get a bill?
We will only send you a bill when the total is more than $5. If the amount you owe is less than $5 we don't send you a monthly bill, and that balance gets added to your next bill.
Just joined One NZ and got a bill from previous provider?
As most providers bill in advance your bill may have generated before the transfer to us was completed. After your next billing date you should receive a final bill from your previous provider with any required adjustments.
Home phone | Two letter codes on your bill
You may notice two letter codes attached to some of your billed calls. These are Chorus Service Charge codes.
My One NZ | How to view your bill
This article explains how you can view your bill by using My One NZ.