Home phone | Two letter codes on your bill

You may notice two letter codes attached to some of your billed calls. These are Chorus Service Charge codes.

The most common codes are DA (Directory Assistance), CL (Collect Call) and NS (0900 call).

Here is the full list:

CKAuto Collect National
CLCollect Call
CMAuto Collect from mobile phone
DADirectory Assistance
DBInternational Directory Assistance
DINZ Direct Call
DMDirect Connect Call Charge
DTDirect Connect Service Fee
INInternational Call
IOOperator Distance Charge
MCMobile Collect
MTMobile Transfer Charge
NJ0900 Call - GST exempt
NS0900 Call
OAOperator Assisted Call
PCPayphone Collect
PPPerson to Person
PQAuto Collect from payphone
PTPayphone Transfer Charge
RBCellular Calling Card
RLCellular Collect/Transfer Charge
SIShip to Shore
TCTransfer Charge
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