The obligation to give 30 days' notice in our agreements is mutual. It means that we can't turn your services off one day without telling you. If we do need to end our agreement you will have 30 days to locate another service provider and smoothly transition to their services. We realise that if we didn't give you any notice that would be inconvenient for your business.
Similarly, when you tell us you wish to terminate the agreement, we need to take steps to disconnect your services. Sometimes we need to let our third-party suppliers know that we don't need their products and because some services take longer to disconnect than others, we need to make sure that all billing and charges are up to date. If you do not notify us, that is inconvenient for our business.
By ensuring that we both have to give each other 30 days' notice, we recognise how important each of us are to the other and ensure that the impact on each others business from terminating our agreement is as minimal as possible.