Mobile | About TXT-a-park

This article describes how to use your mobile to pay for your parking without cash.


  • The cost of parking + $0.50 (incl GST)
  • The charge will either appear on your next bill (Post-pay only) or be deducted from your Prepay balance.


Follow the steps below to see how you can use TXT-A-Park on your mobile phone.

  1. Press the TXT-A-Park button on the machine
  2. TXT the applicable code shown on the machine's screen to 7275
    The machine will beep
  3. Press OK to print your ticket
    Press Cancel to end the process
  4. You will receive a TXT confirming that the parking has been successfully charged to your account with us
  5. Place the ticket on the dashboard of your car, making sure that the time the parking is paid for is visible.
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