Mobile Emergency Alerts | Summary

This article contains details about the Mobile Emergency Alert system.

What are Mobile Emergency Alerts?

Emergency Mobile Alerts are messages sent by authorised emergency agencies to mobile phones enabled to receive Emergency Mobile Alerts in areas potentially affected by some form of civil emergency or serious hazard.

What to do if you haven't received an emergency mobile alert?

Ensure you have an Alert capable phone with the correct software/firmware installed 

You will not receive the alert if your phone is off,  if it is in flight mode or out of cellular coverage.

If your Mobile phone is connected to a Sure Signal, it will not receive the Emergency Mobile Alert.

Check the below for more information or if you have other concerns:

How Emergency Mobile Alerts work?

Emergency Alerts:

  • Use a dedicated signal and are not affected by network congestion. This makes the Alerts more reliable in an emergency at a time when networks can be overloaded by usage
  • Will be broadcast to areas affected by serious hazards/disasters.
  • Will be sent to any enabled phone in this area during the broadcast period

Depending on what type of phone your customer has will determine how the alert works:

  • Android Phone - The phone will flash and make a loud noise. If the phone is set to Silent, the alert will bypass this.
  • Apple Phone - The phone will make a loud noise. If the phone is set to Silent, it will vibrate only. If the phone is set to 'Do not disturb', the alert will not sound at all.

What are Emergency Mobile Alerts used for?

Emergency Mobile Alerts will only be used for serious hazards that involve:

  • Threats to life
  • Threats to Health or Property
  • Test Purposes

For example, Emergency Mobile Alerts may be used to warn you of serious threats such as a Tsunami, Wildfire, Armed Offenders, Seriously contaminated drinking water etc.

What to do if you receive an Emergency Alert?

The Alert will tell you or your customer what the emergency is, what to do, what agency sent the message and if needed, where to go for more information.

An update could be sent if required and another message to advise the threat is over.

Who sends Emergency Mobile Alerts?

Below are the different agencies that can send Emergency Alerts:

  • New Zealand Police
  • Fire and Emergency New Zealand
  • The Ministry of Health
  • The Ministry for Primary Industries
  • The Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management
  • Local Civil Defence Emergency Management Groups 

What are the types of Emergency Alerts?

  • As Emergency Mobile Alerts are about keeping you safe, you cannot opt out of the Emergency Alerts
  • Your phone may show optional settings (used in other countries) but Emergency Mobile Alerts sent in New Zealand will be sent using a Broadcast channel that is permanently on


Civil Defence encourages everyone to use more than one way to stay informed .
More information on the Emergency Mobile Alerts >

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