About your Primary Rate Access (PRA) network upgrade

Why change?

The PSTN network^ around New Zealand is being shut down over the next 5 years with some features being decommissioned in the near future, so we need to get your business ready. As a result we rolling out a network change that will enable your business to transition from PSTN to fibre.

What is the upgrade?

We are changing the network access from the street to your premises from copper to a Fibre.  We will also install an additional network device called Session Border Controller (SBC) that will connect to your PBX, to enable:

  • validation of your call data
  • routing of SIP, when your business is ready; or
  • emulation of your ISDN PRA/BRA services if required.

What about my other sites, how are they affected?

If you have multiple sites currently using Primary Rate Access (PRA) services we will work on a combined strategy to upgrade these with you. However, if these sites do not use Primary Rate Access then they will remain unaffected.

Nominate your Dedicated Site contact person

You will need to nominate a primary site contact person to work with us during the upgrade period to ensure this goes as smoothly as possible.

How long will the upgrade take?

The connection of the new Fibre circuit, emulation box install plus service cutover usually occurs in stages over a 4 week period.

Will there be any system down time?

There will potentially be 3 short outages (estimate between 10-30 minutes each) during the change period. The outage windows will be planned are agreed with you.

Who should I contact at One NZ?

Your Account Manager will continue to be available, plus we'll give you details for a dedicated technical contact to support you during the upgrade period.

Are there any associated costs with the upgrade?

There are no charges for the network change, router installation. Whilst your ISDN services are being emulated the current rates you pay along with your associated call feature charges (e.g. Call Waiting, etc.) remain unchanged. Once your business is ready for full SIP a new contract will need to be discussed with your account manager.

About invoice changes

You'll receive a slightly different looking invoice from One NZ following the upgrade. If you have mobiles with us, your applicable Primary Access Rate charges will appear on the same invoice under a separate section of this invoice. Your Account Manager can explain this in more detail.

Changes to how you access and view your call reporting records in the online portal

There are changes to how you access and view your call reporting records once the upgrade has been completed. We will take you through how this works as part of the upgrade process.

Who owns the Network Device?

The network device (SBC) remains the property of One NZ at all times and we are responsible for its replacement or repair if damaged or faulty at no cost.

What is the size of the Network Device?

Size: 20.8W x 3.4H x 16.5D cm. Weight: 450g (15.9 oz)

What power does the Network Device require?

Power Consumption Less than 10W, a power plug will need to be available at the time of installation.

Any questions?

If you have any other questions, please have a chat to your Account Manager.

^ PSTN stands for 'Public Switched Telephone Network'. Spark recently announced it will shut down the PSTN by 2022.

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