'Storage almost full' on an Android phone?

Uh oh, storage almost full... If you get this message it's probably time to start managing your storage - you’ll be amazed at the space you can create.

Manage data storage on your Android mobile

  1. Modern versions of Android have a Storage Pane that will show you exactly what's taking up storage space on your device.
  2. To find this, open the Settings screen, tap Storage and you can see how much space is used up by apps and their data, pictures and videos, audio files, downloads, cached data, and other files
  3. You can add additional storage by installing a MicroSD Memory Card or signing up to Cloud Storage options such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or Microsoft OneDrive
  4. You can remove content by backing up to a computer, and you can check the age of your device. If it's old, a newer device will give you a lot more storage.

This method may not work for all devices - please refer to your device manufacturer's user manual if this process does not work.

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