Phone Divert | User guides for voice calling over broadband

This article explains how to set up and manage Call Diversion on VoIP for ADSL/VDSL, Fibre or HFC connections.

Before you begin

Phone Divert allows you to transfer your incoming calls to another number, so you can answer calls wherever you are.

There is a monthly fee for Phone Divert .

  • Calling charges apply if calls are diverted to a mobile phone number or to another phone outside your local calling area, unless you have one of our calling plans.
  • To active Phone Divert, you will need to have set up your voicemail  first.

To add Phone Divert, please call us on 0800 438 448.


    Activating Phone Divert from your phone

    1. Lift the handset and wait for the dial tone 
    2. Dial the access code for the type of call diversion you wish to activate:

      • Phone Divert always - all calls to home phone go straight to the alternative number you want your calls diverted to. To choose this option, dial *72
      • Phone Divert busy - when the home phone is busy, calls are diverted to an alternative number. To choose this option, dial *90
      • Phone Divert no answer - your home phone will ring for 10 seconds before a message advises the caller they will be put through to the alternative number. To choose this option, dial *92
    3. Enter the phone number to which calls will be forwarded 

      The voice prompt will confirm it has been activated.

      Activating Phone Divert remotely

      You can activate Phone Divert from another phone when you are away from home.
      1. Perform one of the following actions:
        • Consumer
          Dial 0800 MYPHONE to access the main menu
        • Business
          Dial 0800 836 245 to access the main menu
      2. Enter your area code without the 0, followed by your home phone number (for example, 9 123 4567)
      3. Enter your four-digit PIN followed by #
      4. Press 4 for Phone Divert options
      5. Press 1 to activate a number already set up
      6. Press 2 to deactivate Phone Divert
      7. Press 3 to change the Phone Divert destination number and enter the new number followed by # (to activate this number press 1).

      Accessing voicemail messages from overseas

      International calling charges apply
      1. Dial 00 64 9 962 0000 and follow the normal Phone Divert steps

      Turn Phone Divert off

      1. Lift the handset and wait for the dial tone 
      2. Dial the access code for the type of call diversion you wish to turn off:
        • Always - Dial *73
        • Busy- Dial *91
        • No answer - Dial *93
        The service is now inactive. The voice prompt will confirm it has been turned off.

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