When you joined us, a credit limit may have been applied to your account. This credit limit is one of the conditions of your account, and is the total amount you are allowed to spend on your account without payment. You are responsible for all charges on your mobile, whether you are over your credit limit or not.
It's not possible for you to set your own credit limit.
Please note: This applies to On Account mobile customers.
How our system monitors your spend
It's important for you to know that our system does not check all of your mobile usage against your limit. The system checks voice calls, TXT, PXT and data but does not check global roaming, and incoming calls to TollFree numbers. If you're using those services, you'll need to use our TXT balance check to keep an eye on things and make sure you stay within your limit.
You are responsible for all charges on your mobile, whether you are over your limit or not.
Your monthly fee is included in your credit limit
This is the fixed monthly access fee of your chosen plan. For example, if your credit limit is $80, and your monthly access fee is $30, you still have $50 to spend.
Other ways you could go over your limit
Our system checks your account balance and your credit limit approximately every 20 minutes. If you are making a lot of calls, it is possible to go over your limit in between our checks.
Also, there could be a delay for some call charges to appear on your account, such as international calls (up to 24 hours) and 0900 calls and roaming charges (up to 3 weeks).
What happens if you reach your limit
If you do reach your limit we'll send you a TXT and put a temporary call bar on your mobile. You'll still be able to make emergency 111 calls, but you won't be able to make other calls, send TXTs or use data (internet on your mobile) until you reduce your balance. To start using your mobile again you simply need to make a payment to reduce your outstanding balance to below your credit limit. Any payment you make will show as a credit on your next monthly bill. Please note: Barring for reaching your credit limit is independent of barring for having an overdue account.