Call+ | Your questions answered

This article covers the most common questions about the Call+ mobile service.

Is Call+ a voice over internet protocol service?

No, Call+ enriches your current mobile call experience by adding rich features on top of the current voice call. You can still make normal calls through Call+, just by not adding any of the product's features.

What does Call+ cost?

The Call+ app is available for free, though you'll use data to download it. Any calls you make will use your plan's calling minutes allowance as a normal call would i.e. not mobile data. The other features of the app will use your data allowance - if you've used all of your data, those features will be sent as TXTs or PXTs for which you will be charged. An average chat message of around 3-5 lines of text uses a tiny amount of data - about 2kb. Sharing photos, videos and other files depends on the size of the file you share.

During a phone call using Call+, you will be able to Add Video to the call. Add Video Send a video to the person you're talking to during a call, as long as that person also has

  • a smartphone,
  • Call+
  • and is using Wi-Fi or a mobile network.

Once you start your video, the receiving party will need to accept the incoming video, choosing between accepting and adding also own video or accepting without sharing own video. In case both of you turn off their cameras, the call will continue only with voice.
To use Add Video, you can tap on the icon on the calling screen and select "Add Video".

What if my call is not answered?

If your call was not answered, you can leave a message for the person to say why you called. You can either send a note or record a voice message that will be displayed on the missed call notification at the receiving side. You will be able to add the reason why you called to any call to mobile contacts that was not answered. The message will be delivered according to the receiving side's availability (either TXT, Chat or via Call+).

To add a message when your call is not answered, you can tap on the option that is shown on your screen, when the call is disconnected.

Can I use it on Wi-Fi?

Yes. Connect your phone to Wi-Fi and Call+ will automatically use it to send the content selected from the rich features.

What is 'Prepare Your Call'?

Prepare Your Call in Call+ lets mark your call as important, type the call subject/reason, send your current location and include a photo. This will allow you to let the other person know why you're calling.

To prepare your call, you just need to tap on any mobile contact from one of the Call+ tabs, select the information you want to add and start the call.

How is content from Prepare Your Call received?

If the person you're calling is using Call+ and online, all the content/information you selected will be displayed on their call screen while it is ringing.

If the person you want to call is not a Call+ user or is not online, you will also be able to add information to your call that will be sent via TXT or Chat, depending on the receiver's availability (either TXT, Chat or via Call+).

Can I use it to call emergency services?

Yes. PLEASE NOTE: For Android phones only, a 2-step process might be needed to access emergency services:  

  1. You dial the emergency services number and press the call button which will then direct you to your native keypad where
  2. You must press the call button again.  There is also an option to press "Emergency Call" in the Call+ dialler which will take you directly into your native keypad where you will then need to dial the emergency services number as usual.

Why is my content sometimes sent as Chat or TXT?

To make sure the content selected always reach the person you want to contact, Call+ works out the best way to send it based on your availability and your contact's availability.

The content will be sent via TXT if your contact doesn't have Call+, the joyn app, or if your contact does not have a data connection. However, if the contact does not have Call+ but has the joyn app and is online, the content will be sent via chat.

To use Call+ you must be one of our customers and have a phone running on the Android operating system version 2.3 or later; iOS 8 or later. It is not available on Windows devices.

If I have it, do my friends need to have it?

No, you can call any number using Call+. Moreover, you can use the rich features that the service offers you with mobile number of your contacts - fixed numbers will only be able to receive plain voice calls - so no data or TXT content will be sent. If the other contact also has Call+, you can both use any Call+ functionalities and have a complete experience. If your contact does not have Call+, you can still use the features and the selected content will be sent via TXT or Chat.

How much data does it use?

An average chat message of around 3-5 lines of text uses a tiny amount of data - around 2kb. Sharing photos, videos and other files depends on the size of the file you're sharing.

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