Ultra Hub modem | Back up or restore configuration settings

Guide on how to back up or restore Ultra Hub modem settings.

This page explains how to backup or restore your Ultra Hub modem's settings.

We recommend that you back up your UltraHub's configuration before you update the firmware or if you have customised any configurations and want to have a backup to restore after your firmware has been updated.


  1. When connected via Wi-Fi, or direct using an Ethernet cable from PC to modem, log into your UltraHub via a web browser using the URL
  2. Use the details shown on the white sticker on the bottom of your modem (unless you have changed them)
  3. On the web page showing, from the top menu, select SETTINGS
  4. Then select CONFIGURATION
  5. In the page, next to 'Save settings to computer', click SAVE
  6. Choose a name for your file and a place to save your file
  7. To RESTORE, follow the steps above, except use the LOAD button next to 'Restore settings from a configuration saved on a computer'
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