Deco App | Manage Parental Controls

This page explains how to add parental controls using the Deco app.


Create user profile

  1. Open the Deco App

    The Dashboard appears
  2. From the menu at the bottom of the screen, tap Parental Controls

    Screenshot Deco App Parental Controls tab
  3. Tap Create a Profile

    • Note: A profile needs to be created for each member

      Screenshot Deco App Parental Controls - Create Profile
  4. In the Profile Name field, enter the name of the user

    Screenshot Deco App Parental Controls - Create Profile - Name
  5. From the Age Range drop-down menu, select the users age

    Screenshot Deco App Parental Controls - Create Profile - Age
  6. From the Pick an Avatar section, pick an image to associate with the profile

    Screenshot Deco App Parental Controls - Create Profile - Avatar
  7. Tap Next

    Screenshot Deco App Parental Controls - Create Profile - Next
  8. From the Devices list, select the devices that should be associated with the user

    Screenshot Deco App Parental Controls - Devices - Select
  9. Tap Done

    Screenshot Deco App Parental Controls - Devices - Done
    Your User Profile is created - the profile can now be edited and updated

Filter content

  1. Tap Filtered Content

     Screenshot Deco App Parental Controls - Filter
  2. In the Manage Categories section, tap the + sign next to each category you wish to block

    Screenshot Deco App Parental Controls - Filter - Select
  3. Tap Save

    Screenshot Deco App Parental Controls - Filter - Save

Block websites

  1. Tap Blocked Websites

    Screenshot Deco App Parental Controls - Blocked Websites
  2. Tap Add a website and enter the website's URL

    Screenshot Deco App Parental Controls - Blocked Websites - Add a website
  3. Tap Save

    Screenshot Deco App Parental Controls - Blocked Websites - Add a website - Save

Set bedtimes for no internet access

  1. Tap Bedtime

    Screenshot Deco App Parental Controls - Bedtime
  2. Select the relevant options based on when the users should not be using the internet in bed

    Screenshot Deco App Parental Controls - Bedtime - options
  3. Tap Save

    Screenshot Deco App Parental Controls - Bedtime - Save

Set time limits

  1. Tap Time limits

    Screenshot Deco App Parental Controls - Time Limits
  2. Tap Weekdays and configure it as required

    Screenshot Deco App Parental Controls - Time Limits - Weekdays
  3. Tap Weekends and configure it as required

    Screenshot Deco App Parental Controls - Time Limits - Weekends
  4. Tap Weekdays and Weekends

    Screenshot Deco App Parental Controls - Time Limits - Weekdays and weekends
  5. Ensure the days selected is configured correctly (this can vary based on what is considered weekdays and weekends for the user)
  6. Tap Save

    Screenshot Deco App Parental Controls - Time Limits - Save

Set Offtime

  1. Tap Offtime

    Screenshot Deco App Parental Controls - Offtime
  2. Select when the internet should not be accessible at all to the user

    Screenshot Deco App Parental Controls - Offtime - Options
  3. Tap Save

    Screenshot Deco App Parental Controls - Offtime - Save

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