One Business with Webex | Add Contacts in Xport Portal

This article explains how can add contacts in Xport Portal for One Business

You should know

By default, all One Business with Webex users are added to a contact directory.


  1. Log in to Xport Portal
  2. Navigate to Services
    Xport Portal Services
  3. Click on the Group Name you want to add a contact to under Unified Comms
  4. Navigate to the Group Features section
  5. Click Manage next to Additional Contact List
    Xport Portal Group Features
  6. Based on the number of contacts that need to be added, select the appropriate option from the below list:

Single User Entry

  1. Click on Add button as shown in the screenshot

    Xport Portal Additional Contacts
  2. On the following page, enter all required information
    Note: Extension number range should be between 2001 and 9899.
  3. Click Add
    Note: This may take up to 72 hours to update.

Multiple User Entry

  1. Click Import User List

    Xport Protal Import User List
  2. On the following page, click either CSV or Excel File to download a template

    Xport Portal CSV Upload
  3. Enter the required details in the downloaded template

    Note: Extension number range should be between 2001 and 9899.
    • Xport Portal CSV File Template
  4. Save the file to your preferred folder
  5. To upload the file, click on the Browse option

    Xport Portal Browse option
  6. Click Save

    Note: This may take up to 72 hours to update.

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