One Business with Webex | Manage a Schedule

This article contains instructions on how to customise schedules when you have One Business with Webex.

Before you begin

This feature is available for Super Users only.

Schedules allows you to create a business hours schedule that fits your business. It also gives you the following abilities:

  • Use schedules to manage holiday days (for example, Christmas)
  • Define group (for example, Auto Attendant) or personal schedules for user feature
  • The schedule level is indicated in the Level column.


Add a group schedule

  1. Log into the Portal
  2. Select the Services tab.
  3. Select the Group you are adding the schedule for (there may be more than one).
  4. Select Manage
  5. Navigate to Schedules.
  6. Click Add.
  7. Select a schedule name and either Holiday or Time.

    For a business hours schedule, select Time for the type

    To create a holiday schedule, select Holiday as the type
  8. Click Save

Add a user schedule

  1. Log into the Portal
  2. Select the Services tab.
  3. Select the Group you are adding the schedule for (there may be more than one).
  4. Find the user you are wanting to add a schedule for, click Manage.
  5. Select the Schedules tab.
  6. Click Add.
  7. Select a schedule name and either Holiday or Time.

    For a business hours schedule, select Time for the type

    To create a holiday schedule, select Holiday as the type
  8. Click Save.

Delete a schedule

  1. Log into the Portal
  2. Select the Services tab.
  3. Select the Group you are adding the schedule for (there may be more than one).
  4. Click Manage.
  5. Tick Delete on the schedule you are wanting to remove.
  6. Click Save.

Edit a schedule

  1. Select the schedule to want to edit
  2. click Edit

    The Schedule Modify page appears

Creating a schedule for business

  1. Follow the steps 1-4 in Add a Schedule (for either group or user)
  2. Click Add
  3. Select a schedule name and select Time.
  4. Click Save
  5. Click into the schedule you have just created.
  6. Under Events, click Add.
  7. Name your event Business Hours.
  8. Under Start Date click the calendar icon, then select Now and the time you want your business day to begin (IE Hour 08, Minute 30).
  9. Click Done.
  10. Under End Date click the calendar icon, then select Now and the time you want your business day to begin (IE Hour 17, Minute 30).
  11. Click Done.
  12. Under Recurrence select Weekly.
  13. Tick the boxes for Monday-Friday (or whatever your working week is).
  14. Enter 1 in the box so it will occur weekly.
  15. Select Never for the end date.
  16. Click Save.

    You can follow the same instructions for creating a schedule for annual leave, public holidays etc.
Field Description
Provide a name for the event*In the Event Name text box, enter a name for the event.
Specify the time of the event*In the Start Date box, select a day from the calendar.  In the Start Time box, type a time (HH:MM).

In the End Date box, select a day from the calendar.  In the End Time box, type a time (HH:MM).

To make it an all day event, check the All Day Event box.

NOTE:  When you check All Day Event, the Start Time and End Time options are disabled.
Configure the recurrence pattern for the event From the Recurs drop-down list, select the recurrence pattern for the event from the following options:

  • Never: to make it a one time event.
  • Daily: enter the frequency of occurrence in days.
  • Weekly: enter the frequency of occurrence in weeks and select the day or days of the week on which the event(s) occur.
  • Monthly: enter the frequency of occurrence in months and specify the day for the recurrence of the event.  Select one of the following options: 

       •  To schedule the event on a specific day of the month, for example the 27th, check Day <X> of the month and enter 27. 

       •  To schedule the event on a specific day of the week within the month, for example the Second Monday of the month, check The <Xth> <Day-of-Week> of the month, and select Xth and Day-of-Week from the drop-down lists.
  • Yearly and specify the frequency of occurrence in years, for example every 2 years, and specify the day for the recurrence of the event. Select one of the following options: 

       •  To schedule the event on a specific day of the year, check Day <X> of <Month> and select the day and the month. 

       •  To schedule the event on a specific day of the week and month, for example the first Sunday of January, check The <Xth> <Day-of-Week> of <Month> and select Xth, Day-of-Week, and Month from the drop-down lists
Specify when a recurrent event ends In the Recurrence Range section, select one of the following options:

  • Never
  • After <X> occurrences: enter the number of occurrences.
  • Date: select the date from the calendar.
Save your changes or exit without saving To save your changes, click Save. To exit without saving, select another page.

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