One Business with Webex | Hunt Group Mangement

This article contains information about the Hunt Group feature available with One Business with Webex.

Before you begin

This feature is available for Super Users only.

A Hunt Group allows a caller to dial one phone number and that call rings multiple users within the group.  

The call then follows a simple call flow defined by the Super User.


Activate or deactivate an existing Hunt Group

  1. Log into the Portal
  2. Select the Services tab.
  3. Select the Group you are setting the hunt group up for (there may be more than one).
  4. Then select Manage.
  5. Click the Hunt Group feature tab.
  6. If you want to:

    • Activate the hunt group, tick the Is Active box.
    • Deactivate the hunt group, untick the Is Active box.
  7. Select Update to save your changes

    Deactivating a Hunt Group will not delete the service.

Edit a Hunt group

  1. Log into the Portal
  2. Select the Services tab.
  3. Select the Group you are setting the hunt group up for (there may be more than one).
  4. Then select Manage.
  5. Click the Hunt Group feature tab.
  6. Select Edit
  7. Then select Settings

Edit Hunt Group Name and Call Flow

  1. Navigate to the Profile section.
  2. If you want to:

    • Activate Call Waiting, tick Allow Call Waiting on agents
    • Deactivate Call Waiting, untick Allow Call Waiting on agents.
  3. If you want to change the Hunt Group Call flow:

    • Circular - one at a time in rotating order
    • Regular - one at a time in a set order
    • Simultaneous - everyone at the same time
    • Uniform - whoever has been idle the longest
    • Weighted Call Distribution - % based routing
  4. When choosing Weighted Call Distribution you will need to:

    • Enter the % amounts into the text boxes. 
    • The total amount must add up to 100.
  5. Click Update to save your changes.

Edit if a User is Busy

The Busy setting allows to forward the call to a final number if everyone in your Hunt Group cannot answer the call.

If the call forward number is busy, the call will go to that numbers voicemail. 

  1. Navigate to the Busy section.
  2. If you want to:

    • Activate Call Forwarding Busy, tick Call Forwarding Busy

      Then enter the number you require.
    • Deactivate Call Forwarding Busy, untick Call Forwarding Busy
  3. Click Update to save your changes.

Edit is User No Answer

The No Answer setting allows you to manage how long a caller has to wait if everyone in your Hunt Group cannot answer the call.

If the No Answer number is busy, the call will go to that numbers voicemail.

  1. Navigate to the No Answer section.
  2. If you want to:

    • Activate No Answer:

      • Tick Skip to next agent after...
      • Select the number of rings.
      • Tick Forward call after waiting...
      • Select the number of seconds
      • Add the final number under Call Forward to

    • Deactivate No Answer by unticking both Skip to next agent after and Forward call after waiting.
  3. Click Update to save your changes.

Edit is User Not Reachable

The Not Reachable setting allows you to manage where a call will be forwarded to if everyone in your Hunt Group has their devices off, or are out of coverage.

If the Not Reachable is busy, the call will go to that numbers voicemail.

  1. Navigate to the Not Reachable section.
  2. If you want to:

    • Activate Not Reachable, tick Enable Call Forwarding Not Reachable

      then enter the number you would like to forward calls to

    • Deactivate Not Reachable, untick Enable Call Forwarding Not Reachable.

  3. Click Update to save your changes.

Edit the Hunt Group Calling ID settings

  1. Navigate to Calling Line ID Settings.
  2. If you want to:

    • Use the default system Caller ID, tick Use the system default Calling Line ID configuration (currently including the Hunt Group Name in the Calling Line ID).
    • Customise the Caller ID, tick Customise the Calling Line ID for this Hunt Group.

      Then you can either tick or untick Include the Hunt Group Name in the Calling Line ID.

  3. Click Update to save your changes.

Add users to the Hunt Group

  1. Navigate to Assigned Users.
  2. Type in the users first name, last name or phone number you are wanting to add.
  3. Select Search.
  4. Then tick the box next to their name.
  5. Click Update to save your changes.

Edit the Hunt Group order

  1. Navigate to Assigned Users.
  2. Drag the Assigned Users into your preferred order.
  3. Click Update to save your changes

Remove a user from the Hunt Group

  1. Navigate to Assigned Users.
  2. In the Assigned Users section, remove the tick from the check box of the user you would like to remove from the Hunt Group
  3. Click Update to save your changes.

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