Roaming | How much data is used

This article provides an estimation of how much data you will use while roaming.

How much data will I use while roaming?

The actual amount of data you use will vary depending on the type of the device being used and the network you are roaming on.

This information is guide only. Estimates are based on average smartphone consumption using a 3G network.

You can also take a look at the full Telecommunications Carrier Forum International Mobile Roaming data usage guide .

Data Usage Estimates

The Telecommunications Carrier Forum has provided the below guide to the typical amounts of data used while International Mobile Roaming.

Activity Time Other
15 minutes 30 minutes 1 Hour
Browsing 5MB 10MB 20MB
Social Media 5MB 10MB 20MB
Video streaming (standard) 30MB 60MB 120MB
Video streaming (HD) 60MB 120MB 240MB
Music streaming 15MB 30MB 60MB
Skype (video chat) 20MB 40MB 80MB
Google Maps 9MB 18MB 36MB
Email (w/out attachments)   1MB per 40 emails
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