You can change your voicemail PIN at any time. It must be between four and ten digits and it can't start with 0 or be the last four digits of your phone number.
What happens if you forget your mailbox number or PIN
- Your mailbox number is always your area code minus the zero at the beginning, followed by your home number. For example, if your home phone number is 04 123 1234, your mailbox number is 4 123 1234
- If you forget your PIN, simply call us on 0508 888 800.
To change your PIN
- From the main menu, press 3 for 'personal
- Press 2 to change your PIN
- Press 1
- Follow the voice prompts
If the instructions above don't work for you, try the below:
- Dial *62
- Enter your current four-digit PIN then press #
- Press 8 to change the PIN
- Enter a new PIN followed by #. You will be required to confirm your new PIN.
- When prompted, re-enter your new PIN and press #